Sunday, June 17, 2007

Convenient Truth

Embarrassmental Studies

& Leadership Programs.

We live in effluent contamination
my cousin said. I thought she said
affluent containment, said Catherine;
I thought they said environmental de-
gradation I said I thought they were
talking patriarchal hegemony, talking
about last days, global warning, corn
for cars, CEO bonuses, girls gone wild,
tattoos, body piercing and no child left

It doesn’t matter what-it-is that’s
talked about she said anything can be.
It’s the talking that counts, any 2 or
3 gathered to gather to talk about IT,
the relationship going on and on that

Same with writing I said. Content’s
galore. It’s VOICE that counts: your
supra- segmental phonemes—body
language so to speak: wink, shrug,
gesture: pinch the spirit of converse
not the words or letters: punctuation
with standing, necessary sure but
insufficiency can be about anything:
some people go to bed with global
warnings & miss the prom all together.

Convenient VS Inconvenient

Describe any systematic study, reading,
or other focused

( attention efficient )
learning undertaken with annotated
bibliography where appropriate.

List in full bibliographical form books,
articles, reviews, papers presented,
exhibits, grant proposals, and other
scholarly products. Attach reprints,
reviews, etc.

Describe any other activities that you
have undertaken to facilitate intellectual
vitality and development, maintain currency
in your field, or gain knowledge in a new
field related to your educational role.

How IT’s said makes a difference that
makes a difference but so often content
occludes “voice” & the nature & source
of authority: author authoring
authoritatively or merely
ex-officio officially.

We were talking about how embarrassed
we were one day in the print-shop some
years ago. She said in McDowell County
where I come from embarrassment means
to be behind bars, barricaded.

I thought she meant behind a bar—tender
tending. She said, any night you’re liable to
hear some lady yell: look, touch me there
again, I’m calling the constable &
embarrass your ass.


I swim in effluence behind bars soaking
yet beyond years mixed meta force not
with standing: wet—inconceivable to
me let alone how dry I am.

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