Dear College,
Information Theory “Information”
as opposed to & not to be confused
with your normal information any
myn-on-the- street or Harvard grad
gathers and accumulates—facts, data,
statistics, info from surveys, info from
polls & media influence, info from
classes & courses & news casts regarding
patellar proprioceptive stretch receptors,
say, which intra-capsular components do
not necessarily change. INFO galore: an
infinite resource; it's not content I used
to tell my required composition students,
that counts, it’s VOICE—vox de auctoritas
as opposed to and not to be confused
with vox de ex officious.
In information theory on the other hand,
“Information” stands-for Noise-to-News
ratios going on at any moment in some given
so-called closed system like this post, any
piece of writing, poem or prose, a conversation,
classroom, community… appreciating not just
the common sense but then th non-sense and
nosenseatall from which it might be said to
originate. Emerge.
Make An Information READING
like entropy
like temperature
a measurement & evaluation.
Noise-to-News Random-to-Order
Illogic-to-Logic Irrational-to-Rational
Confusion-to-Clarity Ratios
aka Relationships.
Or call it Ratiocination: Ratios Ratio-analyzing
Reason Rationally reckoning the play of opposition
in generating emergent phenomena we call
& thank god for noisy random & illogical irrational
confusion: our Mothers of Invention so easily taken
for granted or ignored by the dominant pair o dimes
of industrialized education & common sense.
Sense, Nonsense & No Sense At All: these 3, and
the greatest of these is nosenseatall: our infinite
renewable resource & garden of delight. .
Word Salad
This resistance to information that
doesn’t mesh with our pre-conceived
beliefs afflicts both liberals and
The only solutions I see
[to my own noetic resistance
& informational homeland
are personal ones: to work out
daily to build our mental muscles.
Just as we force ourselves to nibble on greens
and decline cheesecake, we should seek an
information diet that includes a salad bar of
information sources — with a special focus on
unpalatable rubbish from fools.
The worse it tastes, the better it may be for us.
Nicholas D. Kristov: “Divided They Fall”
I stick to my guns and cling to my religion, fearing them
that don’t look like me or act alike no matter if I’m paid
enough or not — economically challenged & eco-logical:
sitting on top of the whirl in the lap top of luxury scared
& suspicious regardless & threatened & threatening:
damaged & damaging if I do or don’t & Obama don’t hurt
my feelings one bit but Hillary: her looking wide-eyed,
innocent & scandalized, feeling the pain of western Pa,
offends me a lot I confess, my general education not with
standing: only a lecture (non-lab) course in biology fulfilling
my science requirement where I learned the word “homeostasis”
and let that term stand for ½ of what I gained from college.
The other term: from a History of Art class: “juxtaposition.”
Them 2, represent the foundation of my undergraduate degreed
PLUS then I extrapolate and abduct. It don’t take much:
sure, but not just information. xxxooo
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