With thinking we may be
ourselves in a sane sense.
conscious effort of the mind
we can stand aloof from actions
and their consequences; and all
things, good and bad, go by us in
a torrent. We are not wholly
involved in nature. H.D. Thoreau
Or wholly stuck in nature, maybe: quite
involved if not holy never the less any one
can reinvent wheels of thinking as easily as
re-establishing standards of general education
--an act of arbitrary articulation: "to cut the
beast at the joints with a minimum of blood
and gristle.".
Zero base. Start from old scratch: itch &
draw a line in the ampersand, say; work up
from there bifurcating for the sake of argument
& see what can be seen. I think, therefore I
The heart of THINKING, say,
is carving distinctions.
Consciously or unconsciously,
slash slash: cut like a knife:
as opposed to
as differentiated
as distinguished from
as discriminated
Mostly it’s Other People’s Distinctions
(OPD) the Common Sense Distinctions,
Conventional and Convenient Distinctions
that we use/abuse.
Yes? Convention. Convenience.
Are we agreed? NO?
How many in agreement?
How many not?
A distinction.Got to love it: distinction-drawing.
It’s a CRIME of fashioning, of course: crime of
discrimination, criminal: you got a problem with that?
You going to “pule & whine” and say—no no not
me I LOVE IT ALL—without distinction, without
separation, without good&evil-ing, without
demonizing? I am Guilty. Feel it in my gut.
All is One and one is one and
evermore shall be so: my
articulations not with
The heart of Liberal Art: relating, ratio-izing,
rationalizing and naming the parts of distinctions
drawn. And let no part and party be left a
Dirty work--arguing this stuff OUT! OUT!
trying to get on the same page so to speak
so as to sustain & keep argument going:
edifying: building up a shared
stalwart pioneers.
THINK. Got to love it.
"The violent Bear IT Away!"
“What is called Thinking?”
We are playing with the verb
“to call.”
One might ask, for instance,
“What do you call that village
on the hill?” Martin Heidegger
"From the column".
"From the hill".
xxxooo, Sam
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