Dear Dialecticians,
Numenon Noumenon Noomenon
What IMAGE shall we name as standing-for
(representing ) The Spirit of the Whole?
consensus conciliation
IT is not data.
Not information in the usual sense.
No accumulation of facts and statistics
pie-charts and graphs, anecdotal and
expert accounts, specialized knowledge
of Kant and Leopold or Iriguray,
you know quantum? deep ecologic?
read the New York Times daily?
That’s not IT.
IT’s whether we can put IT in play or not —
what we know, what we got, what we
bring to the table. A practice.
Mostly what any of us bring (just describing
here: not judging) is Ignore-ance & Confusion
which, if we could convert to STUPIDITY
(what…? what the…? what the hell…?
the stunning prerequisite to STUDY)
we would be in a position to transform our
infinite resource into the type of energizing
-it-takes to be practicing dialecticians.
Here’s how IT goes…
(redundantly, and note—the more trivial
the token content, the easier to see thru it
to the structure & pattern; otherwise we
get sucked into the subject matter; notice
how often philosophers talk about CHAIR
when they are trying to illustrate
Forms and Ideas…) :
I or any one says
blah blah blah
You or any one says
whatta buncha crap, Sam
Dr Kalinowski says: “The Republic is
a respectable political treatise” and I say,
“Hell no: a metaphor for soul work: virtue.”
AND IF we can keep
thesis & anti-thesis
protagonist & antagonist
the symbolic & the diabolical
& let neither side WIN:
THEN: we’re in business,
THAT’s how it goes & goes.
anticipate synthesis,
to the
George Bush, say, and his Saddam; Hillary
strange bedfellows at last.
This is “school” mode, yes?
Try not to collapse, conflate,
noetic realms
If blah blah & whatta buncha crap
Or Kalinowski & Scoville don’t do justice
to the IDEA of thesis & anti-thesis, you can
improve my terms and images, but don't fudge
the distinction, blur the appropriately
opposition “in-game” between both.
Polarize! So as to relate, or where do ratios
come from? Rationals & rationalizations?.
You can see: it’s not a matter of what we know
or don’t know: BOTH Knowing & Not Knowing:
sub-ordinate these Siamese twins to the Super-
Play & Be Played. School & Be Schooled.
Compose & Be Composed. What do we
have to lose? What’s a college for?
Numinosity? Noel & Noetic
exercise? Invention?
xxxooo, Sam
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