Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Evaluate This!

Dear Colleagues:

How’m I doing?

, how’m I doing?

, how’m I doing?


Grade-Gun All Around:

Gatling Assessment

In those days, I learned what
great conversation was, where
you didn’t know what you
thought until you said it,
and somebody was going to
add that missing piece that
was going to be the jigsaw
puzzle piece that they found on
the floor under your chair,
and they just handed it to you,
and, whoa, there it is: the
Oregon Trail, right before your
very eyes. Verandah Porche


What's it LIKE to be a ONE
(in general ) and further--specifically:
to be the One that I AM?

That was the to-be-or-not-to-be semester
question for Transcendentists & Romantics .

Silly question?


(Which is to say: stunning,
prerequisite for study
& student-dom.)

A smart question is good for
Getting Stuff DONE.
(“Good Question!” I say to askers;
"what a smart question: really helps
," etc.)

As opposed to:
Stupid Question!
Stupid Question!

Throws a monkey
wrench into my
work program
& service project. .

STUPID questions are primordial,
elementary: back-to-basics, damnit,
zero-basing up from old scratch;
makes me reinvent my wheels.


Like BB Wolf knocking on the doors
of my brick house: stupid questions
blow my mind —knock my socks
off, rock my treetops & down will
come cradle, baby & all.
I hate it.

Perfect for recalibrating,
reformatting, reconfiguring
cerebral habits & affective
habitats: lights a fire, damnit:
a holy cost.

On noooooo not a stupid question!
Oh yes—just right for Liberal Art.

Assess this into my Quality Point
Average & the development of
my faculties: how'm I doing?
I ask my self It hurts.

xxxooo, Sam

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