Thursday, May 22, 2008

Teacher & Course Evaluations

I checked out my teacher/course evaluations
after I got my own grades in and found I was
shot down by the very course I thought was
the best ever: Dialog & Dialectic.

Me: a Hillary Clinton cruising toward the
Presidency of Sophistry, cinch to win the
Socrates Excellence in Liberal Art award,
and it’s about time.

I gird my loins & rationalize so it don’t
demoralize my sustainability, threaten my
frame-of-minding, homeland security or
metric systems & persist toward the
bitter end whatever the popular
vote or super ordinate

The other two courses gave me better than
I deserve. A couple nail me, sure; or like a
cold glass of beer is sitting on the bar, say,
and someone spits in it.

It’s still beer, Sam.:
Drinkem UP, you
Swazi Warrior.
I zig-a-zumba
zumba zumba.

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