Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In School Mode, at least

“Tell All the Truth but Tell IT Slant”

Nellie Non-Linear and Larry Linear bump into each other crossing

the cross-campus bridge. Will they Just Get Along?

Variant: Sally Sphere and Fred Flatlander meet at the bar.

Will they hook up?

I mythologize:

personify or deify an abstraction.

Characterize & watch for narrative.

Once upon a time.

Any one can improve my terms and images. We can wonder

about how these two frames of minding, inclinations, biases,

preferred cerebral processes, attitudes, lefty & right-handed,

simultaneous and consequential, affective & intellective, richly

scatterbrained and directed schizmo-genetic systems might

be said to work, to relate.


The caption read,

“He and she standing quietly next to a dog.”

The prompt queen sat with her crown on,

The insets between each Gothic arch providing a measure

Of what can be

Done with architecture.

She said, “We built it long ago.

And then knocked it down.”

And then she looked away.

“And then we looked away.”

Mary Jo Bang

To be lost in the springtime fields

is to find yourself in a place called

Maybe-The-Wind-Still- Shakes-


We had grandmothers then.

The blue sky was a home for us.

The shine on a beetle's back asked

“who are you to be looking?”

It’s a place called Color-Can-Stir-

The-Heart: who am I in this springtime

field so big no grandmother could

ever find me?

Michael Phelps' mother

One of these poems is published in The New Yorker.

The other: not.. Put your finger on the one that counts

and tell the difference that makes a difference between

the two.

I have a student who’s doing independent study on

“beauty” and “soul.” Initially, on beauty, but he says

his emphasis is shifting to “soul.”

He insists they are related. He’s reading Coleridge for

inspiration. I urge him to study Emerson: “The Poet,”

but he marches to a different drummer.


.....................Non Sense

Common Sense No Sense At All

These three: the Mothers of Invention.

I banish one mother to the attic, the other

mother to the cellar in order to keep the peace.

Poe explored our enlightened bias for common sense

throughout his tales of ratiocination and grotesque, the

price paid again and again for privileging common sense

& sustaining the poor we have with us always.

“to mock, pervert, and demolish all the tenets of painting,

music, poetry, philosophy, logic and even reason itself

and set up a pretended madness instead, in protest against

…the insane and vicious destruction of civilization, life and

thought taking place in the trenches of World War I.”

(Wm Rose Benet)

Many Dadaists believed that the 'reason' and 'logic' of

bourgeois Capitalism" society had led people into war.

They demonstrated their rejection of that ideology in

artistic expression that appeared to reject logic and

embrace “Chaos" and Irrationality. (WikiP)

Even as policy makers worked on details of a $700 billion

bailout of the financial industry, Wall Street began looking

for ways to profit from it. Financial firms were lobbying to

have all manner of troubled investments covered, not just

those related to mortgages. At the same time, investment

firms were jockeying to oversee all the assets that Treasury

plans to take off the books of financial institutions, a role that

could earn them hundreds of millions of dollars a year in fees.

New York Times, 9/22/08

We are the Zombie Apocalypse we have

been waiting for. We’re all flesh-eating

ghouls mindlessly shambling through a

giant shopping mall. The disease of late

Capitalism gives us a hunger that can

never be satisfied by our consumer-good

product of our own labor. We eat ourselves

when we should be tearing out the throats

of the living:--the owner class. etc etc etc.

Eat the Rich is not just a slogan.

Men’s Restroom stall proclamation, first floor Jensen.

A colleague wore a Question Authority button

to class yesterday.Question Everything is a notion

I’ve seen on the bumpers ofautomobiles.

Put it all in play. In school mode, sure.Not in Church

& State modes. That just confusesthe issue.

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