Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Walll Street on the one hand; Main Street on the Other

helter-skelter............. orders-borders
on the one.................. .on the other
hand................................ hand


“the mind that made the mess isn’t the mind
that can fix it”

Theater! Theater!


In a free market, an individual pursuing his own
self-interest tends to also promote the good of his
community as a whole through a principle that he
called “the invisible hand”—each individual
maximizing revenue for himself maximizes the
total revenue of society as a whole…(“The
Invisible Hand,” WikiP)

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher,
the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner,
but from their regard to their own self interest.
We address ourselves, not to their humanity but
to their self-love, and never talk to them of our
own necessities but of their advantages."
(Adam Smith)

The opposite of a profound truth is another
profound truth and if I find my self generating
paradox, well—I must be getting somewhere
closer. (Paraphrasing Neils Bohr).

My Visible Hand: tweaks, twiddles, fiddles, &
fools around regulating itself one-handedly
clap clap clapping a sound and a fury: I’ll fix
this on the one hand and then on the other
hand, too I’ll fix that.

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