Wednesday, October 22, 2008

THe Enviornmental Issue (ecos divisus)

Dear Colleagues,

Always for the Sake of Argument.

Collaborative Genius as opposed to & not
to be collapsed, conflated or confused with
Individual Genius:

2 radically incommensurate “spirits,” say,
or “economies” if you will-- or better yet:


Call IT an Environmental Issue: the
relationship between individual and
collaborative genius

I like to quote Keith Sawyer (Psychologist
of Education and Creativity at Washington U)
who declares Collaborative Genius is fostered
by an environment that encourages failure and
suspects the adequacy of clarity—anti-thetical
if not diabolically opposed to at least the rhetoric
of individual success and clarity that drive our
recruitment, institutional measure-mental
studies and leadership programs, yes?

To encourage failure:

How can I cherish the mess & guess slip
slidding ooohmygawd, damnit & sonovagun
it takes to get good who has always to be good
in the first place?

Or, as Thoreau says: how can he well remember
his Ignorance, which his growth requires, who
has so often to use/abuse his Knowledge?


pre-requisite for liberal art.
Oh what a web I weave when first
I practice to perceive. If environmental
conditions were right, I’d offer IT as First
Year Seminar Call IT Stupid Club. Turn IT up.
Put IT in play. OOPS! Damnit. Hackysacking
the cerebral fiddle tunes of the Western Mind,
mixed meta-force be with us!. .

Cybernetic Guidance, System Self-Correction,
Spontaneous Order, Auto-Poesis, Improv: the
Pantheon of Free Play gods, goddesses &
Collective Muse of collaborative genius:
laissez faire as opposed to as
differentiated & distinguished
from & not to be collapsed
conflated or confused
with lasso fair.

Thesis and Anti-thesis: bring IT on!
2 “Economies”: Clap & Clap.
Making IT on the one hand; not
to be collapsed,
conflated &
confused with
Give & Taking IT on the other

IT's the difference between a
Composer & a Consumer
environmentalism.. Between
collaborative and individual
genius? That remains to be
further differentiated. I need
help, as usual. I'm always
asking for IT.

IT, I said. Do I always
have to be spelling
IT out?

xxxooo, Sam

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