Thursday, October 30, 2008

Environmental Issues

Environ Mental Issues

(Converse-Action in Class)

David raised the question: what's it LIKE

to read a book for 4 hours? To come out

from under the submersion in another

person's minding.

He didn't say it that way. I am putting IT

in my own terms—me: poor listener,

always revising the environment to

suit my bias and belief systems.

“Was it Fiction or Non-Fiction you were

reading?” I asked, thinking it might make

a difference. that made a difference.

Ella questioned the MEDIA tech. we swim

in—all wet, as it were: soaking in e-

communication, laptops, desk top,

e-phone, cell phone, I-pod,

ear bud.

Something like that.

LIKE, I said. I'm not claiming I got IT exactly.

I do the best I can. It's the same walking thru a

field as walking thru a mall as sitting in a class

room. My attention is deficient, and selective.

Don't I filter the whelm to suit my orientation?

Of course. Don’t you?

Kyle claimed he didn't mind all the media.

Someone else may have said,

“Whatever you say about The Media:

it’s US using/abusing IT for crying out loud.”

Guns don’t kill people. People do. And the

MEDIA is not the problem. The MEDIA is

the message, are you going to kill the messenger?

There's a common sense


that we ought to be able to communicate

in our own terms of desire: —get it right,

listen, pay attention. Be kind. If only we

tried hard enough.

This is Age of Enlightenment Thinking.

It's killing us. “Perfectibility of Myn.”
setting us up for an Agony of Expectation.

Give me the Dark Ages. Didn't they know

better? Us: full-of-flaw, greedy, hungry for

love, imperfect Beings, or, as Alan Greenspan



What the?

What the hell?

Wearen't smart enough as people to rule the

universe, let alone the Meta Sustainability

paradise shifts of the Economy. You got a

problem with that?:”

That was the gist of IT anyway. Not quite his

words: his spirit before the Congressional

Scape Goating Committee

Anyone who watched it can improve my

terms and images, or what's a college for?

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