Friday, October 10, 2008

Invitation to Dialectic

Dear Colleagues,

Had a student in Fiction
would always declare
Whatta Buncha Crap
just about every story we read.

Somewhat demoralized, WE
eventually realized, ok: whatta
buncha crap
said everything
about him, nothing about what
he was talking about.

WE began to relish the critique:
decided it was on a par with
being struck stupid: stunned
and just right for study.

“Well if this IS a buncha crap:
WE wonder why?”
we wondered.

And then WE were in business:
“school business” -- leisure
time trying to make some

What a buncha crap!
Huh? What do you mean?
Define crap for crying out loud.

& a good time was had by all.

Fundamental (from L. “fundus”
meaning among other things:
bottom line, basics, foundational. )

My liberal arts seminarians are
often self righteous, scolding each
other for slap-dash self-indulgent
expostulation, for conformity as
well as excruciating originalities,
stereotyping, generalizing
& reduction.

Imagine if I put a ban on fundamentals:
no bullshitting allowed, no mess, no
guess or butt-farming: whatta buncha
crap & I will have none of it.

Nothing allowed but clean sweet
smelling thesis-driven themes,
properly documented, coherent,
consistent, clear strawberries

Local Food.

It’s what happens when the black
plastic with cut-out holes is thrown
over the classroom (so to speak)
and all we grow are wannabe chemists,
sociologists, women’s studies majors,
literature faddists, historians, environ-
mentalists, & no longer weedy thorns
and thistles, burdock and dandelion,
golden rod, kudzu, rag weed, sorrel
& sumac,wild carrot, rag wort, curled
dock, knotweed, queen ann’s lace and
such a rich tangled bank of possibilities
allowed to grow.

IT’s like gardening in tuxedos, digging in
go-to-church itchy pants, wheel barrowing
with high heels growing loco food..

IT, I said. Do I always got to be spelling
IT out?

What does it take to get good?
IT, I said.
GOOD, I said.

xxxooo, Sam

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