Thursday, November 20, 2008

Got to Love IT

Dear Colleagues Across
the Curriculum,

Do you love it that the
big 3 automaker CEOS
flew to DC on private
jets at 20,000 a clip?

Or boys from AIG:
their retreat—call it
sabbatical—to regroup
and figure out how
best to deal with the
bail out.


All the bad-boy
stupid thinking
is always some
where else.

Beyond me.

It’s beyond me,
or as my friend
Dong Ping says
and he says it
a lot


Carlyle, I think it was,
coined the notion
telescopic philanthropy:
our focus on concerns
abroad: poor folk in
other countries. Blind
to impoverishment at

I consider myself a
telescopic misanthropist.
Stunned stupid by ignorant
dumbbells some where else.

What were they thinking?
Wall Street greedy bastards
and corrupt for crying out
loud. Detroit moguls
building monster

God: how could they
be such dumb bells? All
of them college grads what
do you want to bet—full
of Gen Ed Requirement
and liberal arts majors at
fully accredited institutions
of higher education: trained
in aims, objectives, assessable
outcomes in the Age of Reasons.
I’ll bet you five dollars.

It’s beyond me.


Got to love it.

xxxooo, Presbyter

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