Friday, November 7, 2008

Historical Momentum

“every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”

It seems that we are in a notably historic
moment, and I wonder if it might be worth
creating some sort of forum for us to share,
from our different academic disciplines and
personal experiences what this moment might
mean for the future our world, for our
students today, tomorrow and in their futures.

Dear Ali,

Right here is The Forum.
Before our very eyes.
You made the first move.
In the beginning: word, yes?
You said it.

What’s to create? Takes no more time than
lunch room conversation—or hallway.

Less, actually.
Here we are: you & me,
wondering about moment and momentum.

I know you remember our EMPOWERMENT
moment—years ago, at Kittredge, your first
year at opening faculty meeting: me & Dr.
K yelling at each other over everyone’s heads
across the hall I don’t remember about what—
and you, eyes flashing, rightly accusing both
of disempowerment, our sound and fury.

Dis-empowermental Studies & Leadership
Programs: me and Frank, guilty for that
hollering moment: is that a fair

And I asked you:
“Well, what would it TAKE
to empower you then?” (you,
having already seized power
by challenging us, scolding,
reprimanding: an historical
moment I remember well.)

Hackysacking the "power."
Keeping IT in play.

Who’s got the talking stick?


Always a word to conjure.

Literally: “possibility”- to be able;
I.E. poti: potential, potentate, potent.

But don’t I conflate “power” with
kinetics --slam, bam, thank you mam:
damn-busted power, flooding a valley,
carrying off old Fords and chicken coops,
submerging a New Orleans:
“power” : impact literally impotent
as it’s spent, no longer a possibility

& disempowered?

What makes THIS moment notably
historical? Here. IN this place? So

Local Foodback what you’re asking.
What does it take to grow some?
teas? websites? organization?
released time?
faculty development funds
to fly away to
airport motel-conferences
& name tag cash bars & professional

A change in how we do business?

Yes we can? Talk to me.

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