Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thinking & Creativity and Can They Just Get Along?

A colleague sent a link
this week claiming our
elite universities don’t
teach students to think,
blaming them for current
economic woe; & a student
sent a link saying school
stifles creativity. Sure it
does and MEDIA makes
girls throw up and guns
kill people.,

Sir Ken Robinson
claims “Schools
kill creativity” but
he’s wrong. We
provoke it: if we
promoted it’d
be like going into
a closet with an
institutional flash
light to study the
dark, like powering
studies & leadership

Got to have
anti-ness, as
Emerson says,
“your goodness
must have an
edge to it, else
it is none.”

Just do it
against all
odds; school’s
the perfect breeding
ground: for creativity
like murder will out—
or what’s an alma
matrix good for?

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