Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fools Rush Inn

Fools Rush Inn

Where Angels Fear to Tread.

a) President Elect Obama ordered a cheeseburger

and fries Sunday, taking flight form Chicago to

DC in one of the various Presidential jets.

b) Some time ago, Jonathan Edwards hoped to

convince his congregation that they dangled over

the pit of hell by a thread held by an angry God.

c) More recently Senator-Appointee Roland Burris

intends to show up at the Congressional confirmation

proceeding—regardless of the brou-ha-ha over his

Blagojevich relationship.

d) In Steps to an Ecology of Mind, Gregory Bateson

transcribes a “metalogue” with his young daughter

in which they talk about “tidy” and “muddle,”

the difference and the relationship; and talk about

how they’re talking about it, too, while they’re talking

about it—which is what a “metalogue” (as opposed to

a mere dialogue) is.. .

e) Genius is the enemy of Genius, says noted

Transcendentalist, R.W. Emerson and also claims that

“ man is clapped into jail by his consciousness.”

These are samples. Specimens. Arbitrary. Random.

Any of the 5, unpacked and put into play might could

generate converse-action. It doesn’t take much.

The action of converse-action these varied samples

might generate, would be the SAME in each instance.

In the same way driving across the county—to Santa

Cruz or Hartford, Orlando or Cleveland—is the SAME.

Like all the different courses you take and have taken

—sure: varied content and subject matter, but still: the

SAME. COURSE-ness what you are “learning.” .

Converse-action is what all my courses are about

regardless of samples, subject matter, token content.

Of course, you may not agree: I wouldn’t blame you,

You would not be alone. It’d be perfectly normal for you

to insist that a course is-what-it-says-it’s- about, and not

about COURSE-ness, and that a road trip is about the

variations of Santa Cruz and Chicago, Houston and

Burlington rather than about SAME-ness of the drive

drive driving.

To be able to juggle SAME and Difference, without

doing injustice to either—or getting stuck in one

or the other (the differences or the sameness) that

would be one way of talking about Liberal Art.

Angels Fear.

1. What Actually is Going On in a Class Room

(whatever the subject-object matter

and token texts)

Learning? Educating? Edification?

To raise this question unifies my 3 (or any) courses

by shifting attention “up” from the different and varied

texts to the context of readers-reading and righting so as

to include: the untidy mess & guess process of coming

to terms and making some sense as opposed to, not to

be collapsed, conflated, and confused with the TAKING

of sense.


2. Gregory Bateson was raised an atheist by a father

(William Bateson, who coined the term “genetics”), who

nevertheless raised his children on great books & sacred

scriptures and his last work (Angels Fear: Toward an

Epistemology of the Sacred) attempted to spark the gap

between Science Ways of Talking and Religion Ways

of Talking, without doing injustice to either.

A hard core British empirical scientist (biology):

Gregory became an anthropologist, cyberneticist, systems

and informational theorist and studied learning theory,

dolphins, schizophrenics, and addiction.: all framed in

terms of COMMUNICATION as opposed to “pathology.”

Can you tell the difference?

To study communication patterns in any self-correcting

and purpose-driven cybernetic system ( a meadow, forest,

factory, family, marriage, classroom, pod of dolphins,

pride of lions), is to watch, observe & consider all aspects,

facets, angles, exchanges & transactions —as Jane Goodall

would consider the monkeys and the monkey business.

Allof it: interesting, relevant, significant, revealing: “good.”

No such thing as a bad monkey from Jane Goodall's viewpoint.

On the other hand: to study pathologies is to see what’s-going-

on in terms of the dysfunctional, wrong, injurious, maladapted,

injurious, reprehensible ratios of appropriate-to-inappropriate,

naughty & nice, civilized and politically incorrect:: loaded with

the bias of good & evil…as opposed to the (at least intentional)

desire willfully to suspend “judgment” as well as both belief and disbelief.

As Snoopdawg says: S’allgood. And Alexander Pope too:

Whatever Is is good.

Imagine viewing (I.E. the: theatric, thetic: “view”) hap happening

as always interesting if not “all good.” Or at least before if not

beyond good&evil. Call this possible impossibility: the practice

of liberal art, and prerequisite for the practice of Dialectic.


3. Mission Impossible: the study of

(logic & pathologic

digital & analogical)

is impossible, but it becomes a possibility if the impossibility is

acknowledged and factored in. Let that paradox register and

simmer but not aggravate. Both paradox and contra-diction are

essential to the study ofCOMMUNICATION:

That’s the IDEA and word that is central to Bateson’s thinking.

And to the practice of Dialectic.


Thinking, Learning, Minding, Evolution, for Batson are all

studied “in the terms of” communication as fundamentally

in certain ways represented by such activities as Ping Pong.

Tennis. Rugby. Chess. Basketball. Civil (& uncivil) War

Intercourse. Converse-Action. Back & Forth. In & Out,

Give & Take. Tit for Tact. Call & Response....mutual and

reciprocating interactive ratios, relays, relativities, relationships.

Beyond unilateralism.

Game. (ludic) In Play.

Or how do you want to define IT?


Go ahead: improve my terms and images. We can argue—

or what's a college for?


4. Stephen Pinker (The Stuff of Mind) claims that every utterance

fulfills 2 simultaneous agenda which I call TCB

(taking-care-of-business) and SSR

(stroking status and relationship)

Pinker actually calls what I call SSR: Negotiating Relationship

but I don't like the term “negotiating” as it connotes the conscious

control & manipulation that characterizes TCB—know what I mean!

The SSR (stroking status & relationship) I want to preserve as an

UN-Conscious agenda—a blush or stammer, sweating arm pits,

smiles & frowns um er ah see me, hear me,touch me, feed me :

the agenda we all carry, determined to fit or mis-fit our self into

the context: the be-here-now environ mentalism.

Sure, anyone can turn their TCB ego-conscious purposive agenda

toward Relationship so as to improve or manipulate, but then what's

going on is no longer SSR but TCB. SSR (I insist, for the sake of

argument) is unconscious process.TCB is conscious.

As soon as TCB pokes around in SSR it reduces

Un to Con something like going into a closet with a flashlite to study

darkness. Like interpreting dreams. Like claiming to understand the

economy. Like Monday Morning Quarterbacking the Saturday

Afternoon Game. Like Howard Cosel telling me what

Mohammed Ali is doing in the boxing ring. Like

some EngTeacher insisting I start my theme

with a clear thesis, damnit.

Conscious-Taking-Care-of-Business invading the Kingdom

of Unconscious to carry off the Goose that lays the golden eggs,

know what I mean?

See the pattern here? What happens when my Conscious Purposive

Ego aims & intentionality applies its exquisite lucid schemes to

figure and fix, manipulate and mend, uncover and discover

and make my world a better place?

It reduces the whole to the parts and partial perspective of my

conscious objectives and goals and I get always what I pray for

at the occlusion of the larger picture: the whole which is beyond

my attention efficient consciousness and I’ve collapsed a sphere

into circles—stick in my thumb and pull out a plumb, thinking


We're just not smart enough as people.” says Alan Greenspan—

addressing the current economic meta-sustainable situation

confounding our best efforts to tweak, fiddle and regulate stuff

so as to serve our sense of order and predictability.


5. 2 faces & a GRAIL

(a common figure/background ambiguity; I'm sure you've seen

it before: which is the figure? Which is the background? And what

determines which is which and when and how? That's the “joke”

of this image)

Let it stand-for (represent) the difference between the vis-a-vis or

TCB (taking care of business), our conscious sense of “converse-

action”on the one hand and on the other hand: the Grail: let it

signify the always emerging SSR (strokes & status relationship)

going on and on—call it “communion” maybe—not to be conflated,

collapsed, or confused with the conscious converse-action &

expression of our back&forth exchange.

Let “COMMUNICATION” stand-for what's going on

1) on the level of conscious converse-action,

2) the unconscious level of communion and

3) the relationship between the two

Communication is to Communion & Converse-action as

Information is to News & Noise as (NEG) Entropy is to

Order & Random as Temperature is to Hot & Cold as

Relationship: aka relays, ratios, rational rationality,

rationalization ( L. reri: to think—I.E ar “to fit together,

connect, join, harmonize: art, order) is to what we

are: relationshipRus

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