Monday, February 16, 2009

At Home or On the Road

(Courses W/O Border series)

Dear American Literati ( colleagues across
the curriculum)

Let’s take AT HOME and On the Road as a
fundamental either/or which (of course) is also
a relationship—but the RELATIONSHIP depends
on the either/or “logical” DIFFERENCE which
enables the ratios to be in play, true?.

On the face of it, it must be seen that AT HOME
and ON THE ROAD are radically incommensurate
notions, like Heisenberg’s either/or Position & Velocity

(You can measure either one with accuracy, but
not both at the same time..)

The values of At HOME on the one hand.

The values of On The Road, on the other hand.

The values of attachment. The values of detachment.

Look: in realtime there are always ratios going on between
these 2 digital-logical notions, but the "academic" question
could be: which do you Salute as “MASTER” (your
dominant paradise, so to speak—basis for your personal
rather than our cultural, conventional moral/ethic.)

Home values?
On the Road values?
Which is BOSS as far as you're concerned?

(Sure: you can choose not to choose,
but then you lose the benefit of the
for-the-sake-of-argument game.)

If you don’t like my distinction, terms and images—ignore
or improve: I’m just trying to put IT in motion: to snuffle up
some decent contradictions and paradoxes, maybe expose
some underlying assumptions & tweak a controlling
metaphor or two.

You know: liberal art stuff – life-long sport anyone can get
better and GOOD at (& not to be confused with those
liberal arts, yr. majors and minors: the rigorous disciplines
that prepare you for graduate school & career.)

Making some virtue out of confusion!
(Infinite resource!) Best, Sam

(Feel free to hit reply, reply-to-all--if you want
to sustain the converse-action.)

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