Saturday, February 7, 2009

Local Fool

To colleagues in AmLit, Transcendental
Romanticism, Dialogue & Dialectic as well
as Across the Curriculum:

Noggin Notions provoked by class
room management sitting in Jensen
ideas flying like sparrows & crows;
weeds groaning rampage thru cracks
like barnyard grass, bigfoot morning
glory, ladythumb smartweed, field
bindweed, marestail, prickly lettuce,
shattercan, quackgrass, jimson weed
& honey vine; you know: all the liberal
art once the black plastic has been
pealed off the strawberry patch.

My lecture on Emerson.


What he's saying.
Preaching. Oyez!
Oyez: Hear ye!
Hear ye!

Not: do-what-I-say-or-else;
Just listen is all..

When Barbara McClintock
(geneticist studying corn)
was asked her secret as a
noble prize winning
scientist, she said:

I lean over and listen
to the corn shoots.

Ha! I say,
Sure you do.

Famous Novelist, asked
how she writes her novels
says, I listen to what my
characters tell me.

Come on.
Really: tell us.

I went to a poetry reading &
a lady asked where do you get
your ideas for poems from and
he said,

Ideas fly like birds & flap by
all you good citizens to come
roost in my skull house—
welcome and knowing
room in the inn
so to speak.

Listen if you got ears to hear..
We can argue, or what's
a college for?

Liberal Art

What motivates me to pay
attention and neglect all else,
such a deficiency and crime
against the whole, my cost-
benefit analysis?

Survival in changing times?
Citizenship? Food & shelter?


Cleanliness next to godliness.
Sanitation or Sanitarium: choose.

Unsane? Dirty business & some
one’s got to do it.

“Passion” “Patience” & “Patient”
are kin—all in the pati family.
"to feel." Pathetic. Pathologic.

The Stimulus Bill.

For those working it out: is it about
taking care of business: trash removal,
doing the dishes, pork & shovel- ready
projects? Making the world a better place?

OR negotiating their relationships
& infrastructural concerns:

see me
hear me
touch me
feed me?

I'm asking. We could argue.

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