Friday, March 6, 2009

Lite of My Life: Toward an Epistemology of the "Sacred."


Toward an Epistemology of The Sacred
(Burn After Reading)

X) My perspective on you monkeys is
that of Jane Goodall .Really interesting:
everything you do & don’t do. All good,
see:. Aesthetic! (the view) Class-as-whole
is my Grand Experiment. I plan to win
a noble prize.

I CARE. Deeply ecological.

Z) BUT I am also a monkey with my own
monkey-business agenda, damnit— & you
monkeys don’t always fit my Ethic and
Moral habits, biases, beliefs, convictions
and prejudices; this causes some chafing
in the crotch (Y) so to speak: the cross
roads where Jane G & Mike Monkey collide,
say. Ouch, oooo, shit, doggone. It hurts.
Sometimes excruciating if I didn’t care so much.

& how are these 2 going to Just Get Along
or not? Carefully? Violently?

Y) shhhhh jane&monkeytoo mum’s the
word (mu) : on sacred ground here, burning
bushes, holy smokes & mirrors:, water walkers,
WAY-way: can’t be said or talked about. I’m
in violation right now The less said the better
or you’ll get the wrong idea—a
sacrilege: nail
it down & think you got it…
IT, I said.


Bugaboo for Bateson is human Ego-Consciousness and its
aims, goals, objectives. He calls it “secondary” process.

Bugaboo ONLY because its dominance…

(don’t you have goals, aims, purposes? Shame on
you if you do; shame on you if you don’t: shame,
shame, shame)

… eclipses what he calls “primary process” --non- or
pre- or un-conscious process which is like what we might
could call instinct or intuition—or deeper: counter-intuition:
the influence of “the whole” say: whole-system - wisdom.
Primordial (literally: prior to the weave, prior to my puny
order)—the “whole” (holy) eclipsed or occluded by my
partial purpose and golden intentions.


Consider the autonomic system:
the “knowledge” or process that regulates
nervous system, circulation, lungs, respiration.

Consider the “automatic” system:
the system that receives conscious training
so as to respond automatically in some situation
—like driving, playing sport or music, conversation.

Now consider Ego-Consciousness:
full of purpose & high sentence, aim and objective:
to be a veterinarian, sky diver, poet, drive to Asheville
to see a movie. Goal Orientated.

A Triad, yes?

Semi-automatic Conscious.

On the one hand, Consciousness is my guiding light,
lucid schemer, savior, boss of my universe…. & don’t
I want to expand it: My Monkey Business uber alles.

On the other hand: consciousness is merely a snowball
on the tip of my I’s berg—thinking it’s driving the car,
big 3 automotive, but actually sitting behind a plastic
steering wheel connected to it’s own kiddy seat: beep,
beep and bumppety bump, hoo hoo ha ha..

Ok-I’m mixing my metaphors. Quibble or go with me here.
You can always improve my terms and images, but try
and keep the distinctions in play. (Drawing distinctions:
the heart of Thinking, yes?)

The aim (purposive, ego-conscious) is to set up a fundamental
distinction— between Consciousness as the light of the whirl
and Consciousness as inflated instrument of my ongoing
darkness— blinded by my own lite.

The more conscious I become, the less “aware.” The less aware,
the more conscious & Conscious-ness seems supreme, rather
than awareness. (Assuming you can distinguish between the 2.)

My Consciousness Light is so bright and dominant that it’s
impossible to consider navigating without it. That would be
(from my monkey business standpoint) darkness—moving in
a cloud of unknowing—un- consciously Blind and deaf,
damnit. No NO NO..

See the problem here?

Bateson talks about SHORT-CUTS to describe how we naturally
take the “easiest” route to reach our aims, Cut out (caesarean) the
middle (Y)—eliminate ”full labor”

Like putting Jane (normally behind the blind with her binoculars
and notebook) and the Monkeys in the same room and thinking
they’ll just get along with no mediation/translation to soften the
blows. Hoo Hoo Ha Ha

etc. I’m just being myth-o-logical here. Half fast.
Anyone might could elaborate Play it out or better,
start up from old scratch.

xxxooo jane&monkeytoo (can't be said)

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