Friday, June 26, 2009

Local Food

Lunch: at Tetanyha’s took several hours,
--course after we thought to
be scarce in the Soviet Union: strawberries,
razzberries, plums, peaches, thick break,
butter, trout, cold cuts, salami, beef, tongue,
one dish after another, caviar (red, sometimes
black) on cream cheese, cottage cheeses,
home- made slabs of what looked & sometimes
tasted like Muenster, sometimes like Swiss;
Vodka, cognac, wine, and Pepsi. In the middle
of the day and the heat, the alcohol and food
tested our guest-ability. We were jovial, silly,
sometimes sick, loquacious, appreciative,
overwhelmed by hospitality. Like Marco Polos.

“The proper work of the human intellect is to affirm.
And if its other work of criticizing, questioning, and
negativity is not in the service of affirmation, it is
a waste of time.”

A man named William O’Grady wrote that a few
years ago. Tutor at St. Johns College in Annapolis.
Died early. The college published classroom writings:
lectures and commentary about books he and his
students and colleagues were reading together.
Housekeeping. Eco logic.

Reading great books as if they were food for thought.
Imagine: reading not as scholar but as starving artist!
Imagine the environment. Starvation! Cerebral and
Affective Ethiopians suffering ongoing drought, say,
bellies distended: flies batting around large eyes.

Begging for it.
Look at you: all skin & bones! Starving to death
& don’t even know it:
prerequisite for Liberal Art
(not to be collapsed, conflated, & confused with the
liberal arts: white-collar vocationalism; a difference
that makes a difference.)

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