Saturday, July 6, 2013

Attention Deficiency

“The soul selects her own society,
Then shuts the door; On her divine majority
Obtrude no more. Unmoved, she notes the
chariot's pausing At her low gate; Unmoved,
an emperor is kneeling Upon her  mat. I've
known her  from an ample nation Choose one;
Then close the valves of her attention Like stone.” 

Attention Deficiency

Scrolling thru the “home” called Face Book is like
walking thru a field or mall:so much ignored.  Crow or
muskrat  J Cruise khaki wide world pants: a remark,
confession, pro-vocation, platitude, bromide, some
thing to catch my I, engage deficient attention and the
rest unseen can’t step twice in the same river I go a-
fishing in. Time rich as shrimp, tantalizing as tattoos:
Sargasso Sea of heart breaks.

Natural Selection, or in other words: Attention Deficiency;
or call it Conviction  of Sin:essence of my perceiving any
“this” as  opposed to all the rest,remainder of the daze.
Rip-off the whole and holy: what I select to pay my
inspection's respect, partial even as I hold it to the light,
my lucid schemes a part,some of but less than sum of
the whole. Apart.

Original spin: what feels like gilt, my angst, anxiety,
accusation, homeland security defense, cover-up,
denial, panic & pandemonium but merely my
attention deficient dys-ease  Who can
do justice?

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