Monday, June 15, 2015

Telling a Story

Story Telling.

A once-upon-a-time, a narrative, a knowing:
a telling (as opposed to showing) with a beginning,
middle, & ending— like this  here sentence.
Short story.  History: long narrative. explanation,
interpretation. time after time.
A word is not a story. A sentence is. We probably
should argue this  out: the difference between a WORD
and a  SENTENCE—and the  relationship.

That would be a story, a history: how a  word is
different from a sentence but how  they Just Get
Along.  It would be a story about opposition &
relationship  as well  as about parts and wholes and how
they get along. A good story. Extrapolate-able. Abduct-able.

Imagine a story about a story, or story about a story
about a story?  How many levels of story can
you handle? Track?

Ever start telling  a story to
someone  and wait a minute—
    digress a level and start
     telling   another
           [within the original
           but not on the  same
           level of importance-
           just to clarify, maybe
                   (or set up a
                     prior  event)]
and then get back to where
you started from  
    [although it's not EXACTLY
     where you started from because
     it's had additional info added--
     (it's evolved, you could say:
But anyway—be that as it may— you continue to tell
the story, hardly  even  aware (mindful) of the fact that
it has   “pushed down” and “popped up”  several “levels
of logical type” in a hierarchy which privileges your
               “MAIN STORY”

still evolving in time by looping  digressions and added
information that accrue (so to speak) as the story progresses
and in manners of speaking: the story calls up more and
more of   what it needs to Tell Itself, say. It mid-wives itself,
self-corrects, self -educes.   Auto-poetic, as it were.
Next time you're in Converse-Action, telling a story—watch
yourself tell it, if you can.  You probably can't.  This
kind of self-consciousness blocks the  performance unless
the performance is not the telling of the story but the
telling of the telling of the  story.
Retrospective, after the fact  self- consciousness kicks
back  in and looks for it's Patterns.  Makes them
Which is not the same as telling the story. Unless one
could be telling a history about the Patterns of Telling
A Story.

Even then the actual telling and the patterns naturally

selected looking backwards are not the same at all. . .
What's the difference?
What's the relationship?

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