Friday, May 30, 2008

Make My Day: Improve My Terms & Images

Yes. We need to juxtapose. Cosell and Ali
Humanities juxtaposed with Ali/Fine Arts.

Dukin' it out?

No, not exactly, because the dichotomy breaks
down. Cosell sees himself as an artist, too, a
performer in the spectacle.

But wait.

Mediating the relationship between
spectator and contestant. Elucidating
it luciferously, and changing the spectacle,
too, like Schrodinger's Cat: can’t be observed
without changing what’s observed.
Graham (reformatted slightly)

Dear Graham,

Thanks for making IT conversation,
rather than always me & my

I call IT converse-action; It’s the
“academic” action going on, whether
I’m in Academic, Work, or Service
mode (not that the 3 are chrono-logical).

Like some kind of fractalized Schrodinger’s
Cat Box if I can mix meta force with you.
(Wherever I look close to measure,
estimate, assess, grade: there’s an
indeterminate feline: dead or alive
remains to be seen.)

Not rescuing Katrina victims here, true? Or
or repairing Bryson Gym. Don’t want to
conflate, collapse, or confuse these
“modes” or their internal/ external
ratios if I can help it.

I do damage enough to the whole
just making it right for crying out loud:
integrating the triad in my terms of desire
so as to make the world a better pace.

No matter who's playing :
Actor/Mediator/Spectator going-on-
simultaneously but still: radically
different and incommensurate roles,
true? Which is why any one can say—

Howard’s a Fine Artist, too—
and Mohammed: a Spectator;
also both of em, Mediator--
rope-a-dope doping when
necessary, floating like butterflies,
stinging my knees
killing me softly
with their

Dichotomies & metaphors (2 versions
of the same
cerebral PRETENSE)
all break down, true? Name one of
either we can’t collapse, conflate,
confuse & re-frame? Consciously
or not.

A student reminded me this spring:
“That’s a False Distinction you’re
drawing, Sam.”

Of course. I’m drawing lines in the pond,
parting the red see all the time for the
sake of argument for crying out loud.
Whose distinctions aren’t fee fie faux—
let alone meta- force? How else set up
the oppositions, put them in play —see
what’s unveiled,expecting small apocalypse
and revelation? Emerging phenomena!
We get better at it, and GOOD. Or
what’s a college for?

Let Howard put the gloves on
& climb into the ring.

Have Mohamed
be a wise-guy,
sit on the
lines, making
smart remarks.

I’ll mediate the 2:
make sure they don’t
contaminate each other.
Fighting on the one hand.
Commentary on the other.
That’s me in the middle,
using my religion.

The ROLES remain in place, true?
God is no respecter of personae.
It’s the converse action going on
& on that counts, need we argue?

xxxooo, Sam

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