Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pugilism: You Got A Problem With That?

Out of the Boxing

Humanity & The Fine Arts

Let Howard Cosell stand-for Humanities,
not humanism as in ah-the-humanity! but
the Academic Discipline we practice in
Jensen:take-the-gloves-off history of human
accomplishment like history-of-art up
North in Kittredge & Holden territory.

Look, Look, Look: mediating a relationship
between spectator and contestant.
Explaining How.
Interpreting What.
Building critical knowledge of the GOOD
and the not-so; the Significant & not-really
and how to tell the difference (if not the

I learned the word “juxtaposition” in my
History of Art course—sitting in the dark
seeing Art Art Art from beginnings to NOW.

In the Humanities: I read literature across
the ages. Critical thinking about OPP! As
opposed to auto mechanics.

Expressing, too. I became somewhat Howard
myself. Describe a punch —origins and destination.
Articulate a flurry. Celebrate both Knockout and
15 rounds of Steadfast Determination, no quitting
till someone sings & they seat the delegates.. Sift
& sort, classify & categorize accomplishments in
the humanities and the fine arts if not across the

I made flip-cards for tests.
to produce telling details &.
back IT up. Juxtaposition I
remember as a good idea but
not on exams--prime time.

From Howard Cosell’s standpoint: humanities &
arts are the SAME: spectacle. ooo owww hmmm
ahhh damnit yes Yes YES that must smart; brings me
to the edge of my seat.

On the other hand: boxer Ali!

Let Mohammed stand for sport itself:
Both in Humanities and Fine arts: the agon(y)
and ecstasy—rough & tumble, wrangling with
the angel Art. Fight club & Members Only.
Biff, Bam, POW: the making of some sense
of one’s own. Mohammed can stand for
all that.

(a relationship: ratio, rationale)

History of AcademicHumanities & Fine Arts;

On the one hand: critical commentary mediating
spectators & can't-tell-the-players-without-a-

On the other hand
in-game, damnit, two-
fisted dancing like butter
stinging like bees:
fighting my way out
of wet paper bags I
think’d be a snap just
by reading reading all
about it. Wuxtry! Wuxtry! .

xxxooo, Presbyter

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