Friday, August 29, 2008

Alma Matrix & Sustainability Issues

Let’s say our Triad (whole enchilada)
is like-able enough. Good things &
critical can always be said.

And a lot of award-winning and
professional undergraduate research
goes on across our curriculum. No
one can object.

8:00 am remains a possibility
for some, a hardship for others.

Gen Ed begs to be redefined:
a distribution requirement?
an alternative or supplement
to normal operating procedures?

How we meet our aims and
objectives & how we prove
that we do what we say we
do, will forever be the
righteous challenge posed
by outside evaluators and
professionals:& who can:
say them neigh?

Do you walk your talk?
Prove it!

Always sends fear of god up
my legs. Can’t say enough how
short I fall from my aims and
how much I must audaciously
hope failure may never the less
contribute to Universe despite
my assessmental embarrassment
& effort to make virtue out of
ignorance and confusion, such
renewable resources as would
make proud a T. Boone Pickins
if only folks aren’t too quick to
quibble, rushing to correct,
delirious to grade, assess,
evaluate and judge & reduce
to pie charts.

Do I think our 19th c. (what I call)
linear teacher-centered classroom
contact-hour-habits of educating
are sustainable in what might be
described as a constellational multi-
tasking restless-legs ADD media
saturated Beyond the Informational
Age toward the Conceptual Play of
Frontiers Yet Unknown characteristic
of our 21st global villager-collaboration
it takes to raise a child?

No. I do not and wish we could
put IT in play for the sake of

What part of Sustainable do we
NOT under stand?

I say: the origins of our underlying
hidden addictive system-self-validating
operating assumptions & controlling
metaphors which shape & determine
our institutionalized (industrial)
chronicles of hire education?
Unexamined in our current Age
of Conceptualism: Classroom-
Contact-Hours Syllabi-Driven
Grade-Gun regulated, Text Book
reducing, quiz & exam righting
across the curriculum, aims &
objectives constraining clarity-
addicted COURSE-ness just
like it always was.

Sustainable Higher Educational
Alma Matrix Procedures in the
new millennium?

I’m just asking.

Will Arthur C. Vining et al address this?
Not just the sustainability issues but
address how we address the
sustainability issues? Or is it all about
global warming and energy and who
car pools, walks, changes light bulbs?

We might could consider establishing
a e-Think Tank where nothing is sacred
& anything is up for grabs: faculty, staff
& students: our brain trust accessible
to each other 24-7.

Call it The Wall:

Wall Talk: the whole enchilada,
committee of the whole & holy:
a whole new minding called
collaborative genius in an
environment that encourages
the benefits of failure and knows
confusion is a mother of invention.

Creative Destruction & Reformation.
Elenchus to Aporia & Resurrection.
Disruptive Technology & Paradigmatic Shift

Talking School Mode here: Walking the Talk:
as opposed to State Mode
(Get R Done & Annihilate the Bad Guys); and
Church Mode (Praise the Lord & Pass the Ammunition)

Any one might improve my terms & images here.
Local Fool. Make
IT Chronicle of Higher Education worthy.
I would if I could but I can’t—and depend on the kindness of

college. xxxooo, Sam

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