Thursday, August 28, 2008

undergraduate resurge

Undergraduate Resurge

The field is no longer simple;’
It’s a soul’s crossing time.
The dead speak noise.

Fishing, I caught
myself behind
the ears.

It’s time you stood up and asked
--Or sat down and did.

Theodore Roethke,
“Unfold! Unfold!”


Do you think our 19th c. (what I call)
linear teacher-centered classroom
contact-hour-habits of educating
are sustainable in what might be
described as a constellational multi-
tasking restless-legs ADD media
saturated Beyond the Informational
Age toward the Conceptual Play of
Frontiers Yet Unknown characteristic
of our 21st global villager-collaboration
it takes to raise a child?

What part of Sustainable do we under

The origins of our underlying hidden
addictive system-self-validating
operating assumptions & controlling
metaphors which shape & determine
our institutionalized (industrial)
chronicles of hire education?

I’m just asking always for the sake of
argument. Anyone can improve my
terms & images..

Classroom-Contact-Hours Syllabi-
Driven Grade-Gun regulated, Text
Book reducing, quiz & exam righting
across the curriculum, aims & objectives
constraining clarity addicted COURSE-ness
just like it’s always been

Success matters.

Will Arthur C. Vining et al address this?
Not just the sustainability issues but
address how we address the
sustainability issues?

We might could consider establishing a
e-Think Tank where nothing is sacred &
anything is up for grabs: faculty, staff &
students: our brain trust accessible to
each other 24-7.

Call it The Wall:

Wall Talk: the whole enchilada, committee of
the whole & holy: a whole new minding called
collaborative genius in an environment that
encourages the benefits of failure and knows
confusion is a mother of invention.

Creative Destruction & Reformation.
Elenchus to Aporia & Resurrection.
Disruptive Technology & Paradigmatic Shift

Sing, sing you symbols. All simple creature,
All small shape, willow-shy
In the obscure haze, sing!

A house for wisdom; a field for revelation.
Speak to the stones, and the stars answer.
At first the visible obscures.
Go where light is. (Roethke, cont.)

Talking School Mode here: Walking the Talk:
as opposed to State Mode
(Get R Done & Annihilate the Bad Guys); and
Church Mode (Praise the Lord & Pass the Ammunition)

xxxooo, Sam

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