Sunday, September 7, 2008

Booty Broken for View

Signs & Symbols

(parts standing-for whole)

Take this booty,
broken for thee:

Trickster, Outlaw, Beauty:
my 3 independent study
topics this fall.

Plus Language, Fiction,
& Liberal Art: my
three “courses.”

Integrating Triads

Just Think about your topics,
I tell my independents. Sit
under a Bo tree with laptop.
Do Undergraduate Research!
Don’t get up until you’re

Free-write: shotgun,
stochasticize, constellate
what comes to mind pops up
flies down the chimney: leave
room in the inn for strangers.

Don’t be sounding like no
academic Arthur C. Vining
Scholarly footnotes in mouth:
Ah, err, um, well it seems to me,
might be said at risk of reduction
& with all due respect not with

In Liberal Art, Friday morning, a
lovely person from the Windhorse
Zen Community talked about Zazen,
sitting meditation, about a tea cup
short & stout too full for any more
tea, about delusion of self & Other
as if they were 2 different deals when
we know we’re related. Separate sure,
but related. It’s all relative.

And from my last Fiction class,
Thursday at 11:00:

"Sweating out the glare, I am stuck
somewhere and do not know if it is
a groove or a rut. Ultimately this
does not matter because I am the
authority who decides whether the
path forming in my mind is a
successful groove or an
unsuccessful rut.”

Commentary. Research in progress.
Here’s a specimen from introduction
to an 8:00 linguistics class Wednesday,
September 3rd :

“Without the binary aspect of
thought then all things cease
to be. Really in my mind most
of our concepts are no more
real then an invisible flying
polka- dotted hippo that
watches over us as we
drive our cars.”

Parts standing-for wholes.
Representations. Scapegoats:
they carry the burden of what
transpired: our conspiracies.

Inadequately, of course, all my
courses, all my children. Rip-off
the whole block, chip of the holy.
Moving violations. How could it
be other wise?

xxxooo, Presbyter

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