Thursday, September 11, 2008

Frame of Minding


Frame discourse is where the talk
is about the frame-of-mind frame
work, the environment or context
inside which discourse (converse-
action) might take place.

It’s where parties gather to talk
about how they are going to talk
about whatever it is they plan to
talk about..

Ned Neckup & Harriet Heartdown,
for example, have an agenda of
significant-other stuff.

X) They might just launch into IT
and talk it over.


Z) they might say, “look, we’ve got
to talk about how we’re going to
talk about these things.”

Big difference between X & Z assuming
they can tell the difference between talking
and talking about talking--& not

If Z, then they have chosen to engage
savvy cerebral/affective conversational
environmentalism. Good for sustainable
argument--as opposed to argument
that just peters out & doesn't edify..

no sense at all
Can you put
all 3 in play or
are you merely sensible?

It’s impossible to make no sense at
all because on paper or in air: scribble
or babble: it’s sensational.

“No Sense At All,” then, must be
reserved for ideas and notions that
can not even begin to be embodied,
manifested—let alone expressed.
Women’s Studies find such sense-
less notions regrettable—having a
strong bias for the embodied and
the manifested.

No Sense At All

I don’t know what I mean. It’s beyond
me. IT, I say—do I have to spell IT out?

Nonsense! Every garage band & local
group: the Honorable Potatoes, Donna
the Buffalo, Squirt & the Lemon Limousines
luxuriate in nonsense. Nonsense makes its
own sense, of course, but not the common
sense which is why we hate and love it. .

Common sense. how we do business.
Transact. Express. Inform. Carry out
the daily trash Thank god for common
sense. Some love C.S. to the point of
banishing Nonsense to the attic and
No Sense At Alll sent down to the
cellar where it’s dark as a dungeon
way down in the mind.

(Ned Neckup has been known to
sneak down there with his miner’s
lamp, determined to investigate the


In an article on “Collaborative Genius,”
the writer claimed that a creative
environment (as opposed to consumer)
is one that:

1) encourages failure and
2) cultivates a suspicion of clarity

School-as-we-know it finds this offensive.
Ludicrous. Diabolical. The whole idea of
school-as-we- know-it is to encourage
individual success.And clarity.
Consciousness uber alles.


FRAME DISCOURSE. The items above are
“trash talk”—not really about what they are about,
but rather really about RELATIONSHIP—how
we might relay and relate our relativities. How we
might be putting IT in play.

IT, I said. Do I have to be spelling IT out?

xxxooo, Sam

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