Thursday, September 18, 2008

Some Chaos Theory

Dear Colleagues,

Some Chaos Theory

Problems are generated by my
preference for conscious purpose
& “rationality,” “clarity,” “logic”
& tuitional as well as intuitional

SO: the contribution from UN & Semi
conscious experience feels “alien,”
“other,” “else,” beyond the far side
of Ultima Thule: “strange” and let’s say


Paradox & Contradiction, which
actually do a more complete job of
representing & indicating WHOLES
are understandably stigmatized as
problematic when I am driven by my
conscious purpose get-R-done agendae.

A counterintuitive = terrorist at the door,
BB Wolf huffing, puffing & blowing
away the hairs of my chinny chin chins.

Nelson Mandala admits, “I can’t sustain
a narrative: let me tell you it’s because I
constellate fireworks, webs of association,
digressions, transgressions, I’m not a great
beginning-middle-&-ender, me: in medias
res always in the muddle of things amid
betwixt & between segueing something
like Be Here Now & What’s HAP-ening
circumsizing my attention deficiency.
Not that I can’t think in straight lines:
Because & Affect, Reasons Why, Blamation
& Explanation, hic therefore hoc, a priori
& a posteriori, sure: Sequence & Con-
sequence, I swim in it.”

Nelson Mandala agrees Chaos is occluded
by our random-to-order ratios “but that don’t
mean I don’t know she’s present, pervasive
& permeate: a non-linear simultaneity &
all-at-once-ness background to my country
roads going some where, covering ground:
my conscious aim,purpose & golden intention
perfect for Pan to break-in: emerging emergent
phenomena I call emergency,” says Nelson M..

xxxooo, Presbyter

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