Saturday, October 18, 2008

The 2 Economies ( Cont.)

The 2 Economies (cont.)

Ecos Divisus:

House Divided:

......................Life of Mind Minding.

.........................(on the other hand).

....................Life of Body Politic

.....................polite policing politically

..............correcting pragmatically practical

............for crying out loud taking care of busy-

.........ness: work & service, local food and shelter,

.....shared governance. peace & justice. street lamps

..& sexual assault, spreading the wealth & sucking the see

dry with a straw to make the whirl a better pace on the one hand

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Impoverishment (Poor We Have

With UsAll Ways):“Deficiency needs must be met first.

Once these are met, seeking to satisfy growth needs

drives personal growth. The higher needs in this

hierarchy only come into focus when the

lower needs in the pyramid are satisfied.

Once an individual has moved upwards

to the next level, needs in the lower

level will no longer be prioritized.”


Once these are met satisfied satisfaction

guaranteed: Joy need no longerbe post

poned & the world will live as an

undivided house..

xxxooo, Joe The Plumber

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