Sunday, October 19, 2008

Frame Discourse (the 2 Economies cont.)

Frame Discourse

How to frame misanthropy
as a sweetness and light
so it don’t generate
knee-jerk resistance,
defense, denial
and cover-up

& how to frame my
confusion & ignorance
as Mothering Invention
prerequisite to the on
going practice of
liberal art as life-
long x-treme

How to frame an environment
that encourages failure and
finds clarity highly suspect
as just the right atmosphere
for collaborative genius not
to be collapsed, conflated or
confused with individual
achievement not that there’s
anything wrong with THAT.

Why I celebrate clarity and
salute consistency is because
I am a Finished Product
Specialist Consumer Guide
saying what’s good and not,
Howard Cosel commenting
on the pugilistic fight-club
gladiators of the cerebral/
affective agon contesting
thru the ages: thumb up
and thumb down: I can talk
about done deal: what’s worthy
and what’s not, walk thru the
art gallery, my library full
of pocket books analyzing
minding-having-happened all
done and over and estimate
a finished product like any
thing: done deal, per-fictioned,
per-fashioned, per-fected.
Perfect. Me: perfectionist

Consumer Economy
(giving & taking)

Compassionate Narcissism.
Sealed-in solipsism. Salved
salvational homeland security
& empathy for the done deal,
the finished product all over
& now assessed in it’s perfect
truth & beauty by my Monday
Morning Quarterback perfect
behind sight.

Composing Economy
(making it)

Course of an other color.

(the 2 Economies)

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