Monday, November 17, 2008

Budgetary Considerata

Dear Colleagues Across the Curriculum,

A small pearl from a recent biography
of Nathaniel Hawthorne anyone these
days will enjoy:

Delegates in Chicago ended
on a third ballot choosing for
their nominee a former Whig
and disciple of Henry Clay, a
local railroad lawyer with little
education and no administrative
experience, a long-ago, one-
term member of the House of
Representatives who was by
now the party's favorite son in
Illinois: Abraham Lincoln.
(Philip McFarland)


My time.
My days.
My attention efficiency..
My learning curve.

I imagine sometimes how
much a piece of writing
has to count in order for
it to be worth an “87.”

Or “94” & therefore
low A & enough
credit to bail out
bottom ratings
in other
Counting for credit:
12345 etc.all the way
up into the 80's & beyond:
price of intellective gas &
how it fluctuates: barrels
of affective oil and my total
dependency on foreign affairs.

Sometimes IT's enough
to break the bank—

IT, I said:. Costs of living.
Multiple choice. Price of right.
Allocation of resources.

Dear Paula,

What's that tv ad that states
the cost of "this" and "that"
and finally describes some
value it calls PRICELESS?

Like all the stuff we measure
because we can & it's the
immeasurable that counts
but we can't count it.

Something like this = the
2 Economies. What counts
don’t Count; what don’t
Count counts & why
can’t they just get along?.

That would be the Liberal
Art question (as opposed to
liberal arts)..

What can be budgeted &
counted & measured &
cost-factored on the one
hand; and then on the other:
the economy that can't &
it's always like the sound
of one hand counting. .

When our ecology and environ
mentalism is all "housekeeping,"
I won't say it's a false economy
but maybe impoverished.

The process is way beyond me,
I admit it. My hero these days is
Alan Greenspan for telling them
folks "we just aren't smart enough
as people...."

ok ok that doesn't help you think
about the budget & don’t count
much --but there are 2 economies
here, and one is count-able and the
other is priceless and I always
wonder how the 2 might be said to
be put-in-play & maybe enrich each

(I tell my students --to frame if not
explain my madness: I aim to build
an ice cream parlor in hell without
doing injustice to hot or cold & then
quote Snoopdawg & Alexander Pope
& the Book of Common Prayer: s'all
good & everything that is is good. &
all is well and all is well and all manner
of things is well.

A constant jiggle-dance and shuffle:
me trying to get them to play my
game. Anyone.

My first yr seminar says they want
to buy a zebra with the money
allocated for their recreational
purposes: small sabbatical
from the stress and rigor
of classroom activity. .

Schooling = "leisure-time"
Best game in town, true?
& the only institution not
undergoing excruciation
in these troubling times.

In Europe they call it
"naked training."

With appreciation,

Sam (I call this engmajor talk, not to
be conflated, collapsed or confused,
with that entrepreneurial talk coming
up from Witherspoon not that there's
anything wrong with that: it counts.)

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