Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saabbatical on theOne Hand; Shabbat on the Other

Shabbat: a Field Lying Fallow
Every 7th year: a Fallowship

Not for every one &
maybe you’re not
for everyone, too.

Let these 2 images stand-for “primary” and
“secondary” mental process: the primordial
(literally: prior to the weave, prior to the
ordering) on the one hand and on the other
hand: order— weave, ordination & sub-
ordination: warp and woof.

Or let the 2 represent the difference between
Un-Conscious (autonomic system-sustaining
regulation) on the one hand and Conscious
Ego Intentionality on the other.

Or, say:

Undetermined Power & Possibility;
Determination & Commitment.

The Wonder full and
The Will full.


Go ahead: fool with the distinction. Separate.
Polarize. Characterize. See how much information
the difference can carry if you’re not too anxious to
blend and contaminate, confuse & conflate. .

The Constellational (aka: sidereal: “consider” and
“desire ,”literally “of the stars”—extraterrestrial)
on the one hand;


The Arrow of Ego Conscious Purpose:
measurable outcomes
on the other hand.

Or let them indicate what Gary Hawkins & I
in conversation about contrast between
Conservatory and Academic Values
recently agreed to call

The 2 Economies

Constellation and Arrow leave nothing to the
imagination & it’s easy to see the “hostility”
& incommensurate- ness between these 2 sets
of process values.

(IMAGINE: Connie Constellation and
Adam Arrow bump into each other
at the Crossroads, say :are they just going
to get along? Settle their differences?
Come to terms? Or Sally Shabbat and
Sammy Sabbatical—you do the math.
Conflict of inter-esse, yes? )

… agony on one level: the bottom line, nitty gritty,
devil in the details & deep blue see. But clearly
they are complementary (agon) if we can juggle
an over-view; you know: on the one hand and also
on the other.

An impoverishment
if only
one economy dominates
a sabbaticalized
Shabbat, say: .

I used to call these 2 incommensurate value-sets
The Playboy and The Puritan, but a former
colleague refused to participate with me in
team-teaching a session on COMPOSING ,
concerned if I used that nomenclature.

“There may be females in the audience
who find that terminology offensive.”

I deferred, aware of the affective dissonance
between what might be called Life of Mind
Minding on the one hand and Life of Body
Politic politic-ing (polite, policed, policy-
making) on the other hand; but it’s worth
wondering and exploring continuously how
those 2 differ radically so as to see how
they might relate significantly:

A language problem:
a problem in representation?
Shared agreement as to terms?

Double indemnity:
doing justice to the 2 Economies…

constellation of possibility: potency


arrow of conscious purpose, aim, goal:
an impotency

…and cherishing the distinction & relationship
and if not simultaneously at least dialectically, joyfully
putting in play the 2 Economies. .

And on the other hand, also doing justice to the 2 Realms::

Life of Minding
Life of Body Politic-ing

clap and clap

As opposed to
maybe too often
the sound of only
one hand.

2 Economies. 2 Realms.

Imagine an ongoing conversation that might could
share and sustain these distinctions within distinctions
without unknowingly collapsing, conflating, and
confusing them because of course they wonderfully
collapse & conflate and confuse to generating our
margins of error & rooms for free play, inventiveness,
creativity & consumer goods, how could it be

It’s a matter of +/- awareness that makes the difference
& as usual, my terms and images need improvement &
I beg to have you differ: it’s the possibility of shared
distinctions and relationships that generate and
empower local foodback, don’t you agree?

Begetting analogies and argument across the curriculum..
Intellective & affective fire: consummation devoutly
to be desired.

xxxooo, Jonny One Note

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