Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Apostrophe to Confusion and Ignorance: Local Food and Renewable Resource

Why do I teach like I do, asks Chelsea
and of course that’s my favorite question
(& briar patch), esp, if folks really want
to know and will not take it sitting down
or let me get away with the murder I so
devoutly wish to commit.

Because I want to invite Confusion into
the kitchen with Clarity, Siamese Twins
crying out loud separated at birth by The
Doctors of Enlighten- Mentalism and the
Age of Reasons Why.

They split-off Stupid from Smart & Smarter,
too; and don’t we all suffer terribly from
these dis-connects?.

I know I do & bet I’m not the only one.

And so I live in a state of Clarity Uber
Alles casting into wilderness in weeping
and gnashing of teeth these two Mothers
of Invention (Confusion and Stupidity)
and have only my own self to blame for
my subjection to our cultural relativities
& academic proclivities, —how crimped
and cramped my frames of mind.

Sure, we can build a bridge or two, a world
trade center, recapitulate all nations in in Las
—go to the moon again & again,
generate green automobiles, solar panels
and twisted lite bulbs: I’m not knocking any
of that GetRDone capability.

But at what price?
Something’s missing.
Can’t get no satisfaction.
No No No. Feels like in-between
spirit: devils & deep blue sees, rocks
& hard paces: my Clarity addiction
denying and covering up my ongoing
Confusion which longs for re-connection
--& no more postponed Joy.

That’s why I teach they way I teach.
Want so much to make a virtue of
my stunned stupidity & ignore-ance:
local food for crying loud & ongoing
renewable resource. Need we argue?

Of course. Of course. We must,
Or what’s a college for?

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