Thursday, April 23, 2009

Best of Times

Dear Dialecticians.
& Colleagues
Without Borders


(spirit & letter)

We are up tight
& wide open.

People suffer from
health food addiction.
Not to mention
jogging compulsion.

Once upon a time we
all owned Zippos:
smoking was cool
but not tattoos.
Now: tattoos,
yes! Smoking
a no-no.

No gated communities or
seat belts then. No ADD or
ADHD, no erectile dys-
function except in Ernest
Hemingway novels where
they called it impotence.

No Restless Legs syndrome,
no yearly colonoscopies
or mammograms (“seek
and ye shall find.”
); manic
depression, sure: somewhat
unique and stigmatic, but
not yet galloping bi-polar
disease from pre-teens
on up.

Sexual Predation,
Victims &
then called
The Dating Game
("candy is dandy but
liquor is quicker
& most folks didn’t
get laid till married
right out of college.

Cutting, Binging, & Purging
hadn't been introduced &
Marilyn Monroe and Jane
Russell were stacked, not

Dysmorphia was no
diagnosis but could
have been a character
in some 3-D movie.

The best of times.
The worst of times.

Under surveillance these
days in sickness and in
health. Be very careful
and make sure you
know where all
the exits are:

lock down
& good
to go.

(P.S. this is a basic form of
dia-lectic: cross-talk, talk
about our talking somewhat
anti-thetical in spirit: for the
sake of argument & always
looking for the 3rd term: synthesis)

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