Friday, April 10, 2009

Dead & Alive

Dear Dialecticians (& colleagues
across the curriculum),

Dia-Lectic (metalogue) = cross-talk,
talking about the talk talking, talking
about our Ways of Talking.

Last Class:

ain washing" is how it started.
But because it was “live" & un-
scripted (not dead & agenda-driven
ground-covering Instrumental &
Utilitarian conversation of the kind
normally expected & desirable in
COURSES), it touched on "peer
pressure" & "socializing," "bottle
water," "abortion," "Stalin," "gay
marriage," "evil" (again) which is
what live (as opposed to dead)
converse-action will do.

It wiggles.

Dead conversation
is potentially instrumental,
wiggling constrained and
a line of inquiry (goals, aims,
objectives) enforced.

Dead Converse makes good sense.
Clear. Accountable. Predictable .

Live Converse: branches out, a
foliation. Generative, sure; but less
productive & O what a web we
weave when first we practice to

Hard balls & Mallet Croquet vs.
Hacky Sacking: that's the difference
between liberalarts and practicing
Liberal Art.

Do not collapse, conflate or
confuse the 2 unknowingly.
Need we argue?

Imagine: Alice Alive & Dick Dead
competing in the same class room.
Who would dominate? Rule?

Playfulness or Practicality?

You think that’s a foe dichotomy?
Of course it is: a hostile opposition.
And what’s the third term then?
The super-ordinate naming
the dead-to-alive ratios
at any point in time?


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