Monday, April 20, 2009

Dream of an Uncommon Language


Prayer of the
of the Sacred

Comfort my affliction;
afflict my comfort;
make the familiar
strange; strange:


Float above fray &
conflict, a disconnect
from agony., unaffected,
beyond pity & fear:
purged, purified and
washed in the blood
of the lamb, say:

Hosed-off, rub a dub-dub;
scrubbed clean from
insanity and confusion
—out of box, bubble,
cave, convention, closet.
Free at last.

The other version can’t be
imagined. Beyond Good
and Evil and still entangled..
Disconnected & unaffected
but wrapped in agony &

In the whirl but not of it.
Swimming in fear & pity
yet dry as bone. Stuck
between rocks and hard
places yet delivered sound
& safe: free at last & makes
no common sense or
never mind..


Flip on the car radio saying
You, next song, will speak
to me.

Read palms, tea leaves, dreams,
stories, movies; cast straws or
coins to consider I Ching or
Koran or dip into your bible
leaves at random knowing
This will speak to me.
I swear. All ears.


Beyond good&evil
Beyond the literal & metaphorical.
Beyond good&evil
Beyond fact and fiction.
Beyond good&evil
Beyond intellect and affect.
Beyond good&evil
Beyond true and false
Beyond good&evil
Beyond right & wrong
Beyond good&evil
Beyond accurate & inaccurate
Beyond good&evil
Beyond sooner or later
Beyond Good&Evil.

“Religion is the only kind of cognitive
system that can model the integration
and the complexity of the natural world.
It addresses unavoidable epistemological
problems: the limitations of knowledge,
the unavoidable gaps in every description,
the paradoxes produced by recursiveness—
characteristics that must persistently elude
even the most meticulous efforts to describe.”
(Bateson, Angels Fear)

Religion: horror to the Common Sense,
improvised intermittent explosive divisive
blessing bloody guts all over the road; BB
Wolf knocking on doors shivering hairs
on my chinny, chin, chins: some rough beast
slouches toward Bethlehem to be born again
and again: feats don’t fail me now.

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