Friday, April 3, 2009

The Problem of Good&Evil

Dialogue & Dialectic

The problem of evil
(upo – “up from under”)
is what we spent an hour
on putting in play evil &

Waste of time for some.
Wasting TIME for

Hacky Sacking.

An evil time had by all.

Subverting dominant
paradigms: the axes
of evil we have with
us always..

Inky Dinky Spider
went up the water
spout (down came
the rain and washed
the spider out)

The problem of good.
(ghedh “unite, join,
fit”): to gather all
the kings horses
& all the kings

time had
by all.

Waste of time
for some.

Wasting TIME
for others.

Indo European Roots
(the etymologies)


  1. Where does time matter in all of this? Should liberal art really care about time?

    Do you think classes are scheduled at good intervals? What if instead of one class in a day there were three 1/3 classes? That would throw the feature of time into the pond of academics, wouldn't it?

  2. What if a class was taught in the darkness.. would that eliminate distraction or increase strangeness or both or none.

  3. Hey, I'll toss another coin into the well, a wish? I don't doubt your magesty, so.. my coin reads: have you ever talked about the subject of time in a class? That seems highly controversial and fine... it upsets and enraptures animals constantly.

    Is there anything it doesn't touch? I've heard that time is the very truthful voice of God. Yet, perhaps it lies from time to time, even now.


  4. The word TIME comes from Indo European DA - which means "to
    divide," division (time and tide:
    glad tidings).

    Also "divine,""demon," and "daemon": same root.

    A double edged sword: cuts both
    ways. TIME. (Demos: democracy--
    also a timely deal--dividing
    divisions divinely?)

  5. If time's dialectic opposite is timelessness, or static, then there really isn't a middle vantage between them, is there? Unless, dubiously there is some sort of illusion that mixes them; that is all I can descry right now into that case.

    Sam, you often produce root definitions, which is great, but I'm interested more in yourself's definition: the fruit, which you've reached high and plucked, that has grown from the root definition.

    --Your newest essay on Agony and Dolphins is great I admit! I'd rather not comment quickly to it, but if work is doing and scholasticiam is leisureful, there isn't much hope that universities would change anytime soon, huh? In one light, the division between training for and doing a profession seems a little tenuous. But, only in one light!

    Can it justly be infered that WWC is then a place of Agony? Well, more properly stated, that agony is an essensial part?

    I think agony is in the sky sir, and for the time being we students are all doomed. Yet, agony is pleasant. Would Dong Ping or you disagree?

    Finally, my ambiguousness in what you strive for reprises some. It's my fault; but say all the dolphins learn their trickiness; they are still dolphins in a tank wanting fish, right? Unless, haha, they trick their masters to let them back into the seas.

  6. You push the dolphin metaphor a step beyond.

    I like the root definitions of words because they often reveal the gap between close-to-the bone description and cultural redefinition to suit collective
    bias and stigma.

    Agony - from AGON: contest
    (protagonist, antagonist)

    Contest is a neutral notion.
    Agony twists it into a negative.

    The American Heritage Dictionary
    is my resourse: it's Indo European
    appendix. Look up a word in the
    main body,and it'll show you the
    secondary sources (Latin, Greek maybe) but also point you back to the roots--which are often wonderfully revealing.

    TIME / TIMELESS Not looking for
    an in-between but rather a
    dialectical JUMP to another level
    (as for example: hot / cold
    and TEMPERATURE or noise / news

    A synthesis which preserves
    and doesn't deny but embraces
    the agon /and agony between

    "Without contraries, is no
    Progress" (Blake's Marriage of
    Heaven and Hell)

    Best, Sam

  7. Could not CONSCIOUSNESS be a synthesis for most, if not all, of the dialectical toys? Mmm.. For time/untime it fits nicely though, I think.

    I like the idea that contest is neutral. These definitions do change views, of course. Heh..

    Anyway, so are you trying to facilitate contests then? Do you use a whistle? No, I'm pretty sure; no. Maybe. Well, if you want a contest on a deeply invested degree, wouldn't the best way be to make it over a personal subject matter? I feel somewhat shakey suggesting that though, yet the best arguments are caused by convictions? If you want conflict, anything done against your student's likes achieves this.

    What specific part of the triad, or all of it, are you supporting by instigating agony and trickiness?
    The overall distinctness in those 'entities', for me, remains vague. But I thought I should ask you. They seem to be brother terms umbrella'd by the term 'triad'; it all just seems like one thing.

    I don't see where I have pushed the metaphor far at all.

    Oh, but, consciousness can't be the synthesis of time, right? For it has a dialectical opposite as well. Doing the synthesis exercise it leads me in a circle back to Time! Heheheh. Consciousness is subordinate to time. Forgive me for if none of this interests you. I like it though, thanks for the ignition. What is rising from the foamy sea is not any synthesized understanding but a contest: me vs. myself.

    Ah! The postman is here already! Drat!

  8. Could not CONSCIOUSNESS be a synthesis for most, if not all, of the dialectical toys? Mmm.. For time/untime it fits nicely though, I think.

    The dialectical toy: thesis/antithesis and if those 2 are allowed to remain in
    conflict (contest: agon), without letting one or the other “win”—then one might
    anticipate a synthesis emerging out of (without annihilating or denying or
    covering up) the contest, struggle, wrestling match, agon(y)

    It’s a pretty powerful toy—if practiced. I call it the liberal art. It’s practiced
    consciously—but with the aid of unconscious and semi-conscious, if receptive.

    I like the idea that contest is neutral. These definitions do change views, of course. Heh..

    Anyway, so are you trying to facilitate contests then? Do you use a whistle? No, I'm pretty sure; no. Maybe. Well, if you want a contest on a deeply invested degree, wouldn't the best way be to make it over a personal subject matter? I feel somewhat shakey suggesting that though, yet the best arguments are caused by convictions? If you want conflict, anything done against your student's likes achieves this.

    Literature, at least, lends itself to deep investment on the part of both
    writer and reader. The challenge for me is to FRAME the conflict, contest,
    agon as Good Sport—and not warring, nagging homeland security.

    What specific part of the triad, or all of it, are you supporting by instigating agony and trickiness?


    The overall distinctness in those 'entities', for me, remains vague. But I thought I should ask you. They seem to be brother terms umbrella'd by the term 'triad'; it all just seems like one thing.

    Academics / Work / Service for me IN ACADEMICS translates into
    Theory/ Practice / Serving the Muse

    I don’t see where I have pushed the metaphor far at all.

    I was using the dolphin-learning experience to illustrate the agony
    it takes to jump (quantum-leap-like) from one level of learning
    a specific trick or subject to Learning to LEARN;

    You pushed it beyond that to issues of freedom etc. Maybe you
    prefer to call it “extending the metaphor.” Someone else might
    extend it to illustrate pollution in the high seas (poor dolphings)
    and so it goes. Push. Push. Push. Not that there’s anything
    wrong with that.

    Oh, but, consciousness can't be the synthesis of time, right? For it has a dialectical opposite as well. Doing the synthesis exercise it leads me in a circle back to Time! Heheheh. Consciousness is subordinate to time. Forgive me for if none of this interests you. I like it though, thanks for the ignition. What is rising from the foamy sea is not any synthesized understanding but a contest: me vs. myself.

    Consciousness subordinate to time? Or prerequisite?
