Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Origins of Original Spin

Dear Transromantics, Diialecticians,
American Literati & Colleagues Across
the Curriculum. (Courses w/o Borders )

SHOW & TELL Keep IT complicated and simple
at the same more or less TIME.

Now it’s complicated now it’s simple
now it’s complicated now simple

Can’t TELL it at the same time without
contra-diction, but I dare say we can
keep IT in mind at the same time:
complication and simplicity, love-hate,
desire-revulsion, open/shut off-on…in
fact we keep a whole constellation
of ideas and images IN MIND

Yes But, dropping out of MINDTIME into
REAL-TIME we are constrained to a
one-at-a-time linguistic representation.
Words in a string: sentence-ing. Sequence.
Consequence: beginnings, middles, &
endings (perfections)..

See the difference? :Let those 2 images
stand-for our divided double-ness as well
as the ongoing generation of contra-diction
and paradox in our efforts to
(get it? Need we argue?)

IMAGE (imagine) all at once.

“Nude Descending a Staircase”—
Marcel Duchamps showing all-at-once
something like front&back&sideways,
too. Don’t look like a naked lady. We
normally only see full-frontal or full-
backside, at a TIME in realTIME.

Imagination (vision) is more important
than knowledge, says Einstein. Showing is
more important than telling. And the opposite
is also true, Neils Bohr would insist.

PARADOX (& contradiction) indicates the
“bridge” or “spark” between show and tell:
allatonce-ness and sequence.


If I could speak out of 2 (or better) 3 “sides:"
of my mouth at once, it would sound something
like Duchamp’s naked lady looks. Not very
desirable. We are constrained to speak out of
one side at a time to satisfy the common sense.

But we PUN, JOKE, turn up IRONY and are
often cryptic, putting paradox in play so as to
express these multi-levels of experience.

Get IT? May we argue?

xxxooo, Sam

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