Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Media IS the Message (You got a problem with that?)

ELectric Company
Facebooking It
& Twittering My Space

The heart don’t always have
time to bother with thinking up
words that fit together.”

It’s all a classroom now: kumbaya
camp fire, auditorium, dining room
table, Waffle House conference,
road trip to Santa Cruz, drum circle
on Pritchard Square congregation
conglomerate community communion
wedding ceremony dancing in the
streets if not down the aisle, come on
& stand by me.. You can hear me now.


Instant grace, gracias gratification.
Instant gracious living. Converse
action across the universe: she said,
he said & any comment possibly
becoming instant celebrity like wild
fire electric company: look at my
tomatoes, cat, stuffed dog, consider
my song, news favorite video favorite
20 questions favorite 100 books,
favorite last night’s get- together,
favorite this morning’s hang over,
my own pro-fundamentalism,
quotations, advertisements for my
self (see me, hear me, touch & feed
me my favorite face booking it on
down the line.)

Marshall McLuhan had no idea how
it would look, his global village, but
still would stand by his principle:


not the messages mediated of which
there are good and plenty..

An action of repentance: to turn
back and pay efficient attention to
the process going on, not just the
product. Product’s galore, sexy,
sure: poignant, picayune, heart-
breaking, epic, grim, cute & coy,
whimsy & charming: the image in
the pond, message in the bottle,
fascinating, spell binding.
Say. Say. Say.

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