Friday, August 7, 2009

Ecos Logic

Dear College, Dear Colleagues,

COMPOSING Values: Compose & Be Composed
CONSUMER Values: Consume & Be Consumed.

Can you tell the difference? The relationship?

Ecos Divisos

............Collaborative Genius
Academy........................... Conservatory
values..... ....values
give & take............................ make-create
.............Individual Genius

This Bucky Fullerdom Oikos represents your
house-divided-so-it-can-stand structure
raising high roof beam carpenters and
heightening appropriately competing values
of academy & conservatory: collaborative
& individual spirited encounter-balancing
reciprocal lattice relationships in something
like a tetra-hedronic triad on steroids

Improve my terms and dichotomies: my
demo-graphic divisions, please: so we might
could put IT in play.

I schematize so as to then claim that as far as
our house is concerned, it’s mostly

VALUES....................... values
& Individual-ism
figured up front................. backgronnd

House of US
mostly front end dispensation

You KNOW how appropriately
“hostile” and incompatible and
incommensurate these competing
sets of values are and must be:
so it’s no wonder we privilege
the “clerk” and nurture the “commentator”
cultivate the “curator” and grow the
“consumer, the “ preservationist” and
“conservationist”: be care full, be very
careful: “walk on eggs” (woe) lightly and
carry a big stick. Academics!

Conservatory Values (not to be confused with
conservationism): wild & wooly and messy &
wasteful : walk on water (wow) slip-sliding
around, fumble-heeding the truth of the matter
to get better & maybe good at it: playing piccolo
or guitar, rugby or table tennis; skills that thrive
on trial and error are not values celebrated by
Academics doing Academics, true?

And as far as the relationship between Individual
and Collaborative genius.: I’ve already quoted
and re-quoted Keith Sawyer—an academic in
psychology and education from Washington U.
who asserts that the environment conducive to
nurturing collaborative genius encourages
failure plus a healthy distrust of “clarity’—and
that’s about as foreign as you can get from what
we celebrate as "academics"—yes?

Imagine standing in forum to redress imbalance,
acknowledging our house divided, polarizing &
celebrating distinctions we’d normally bury in
the cellar or send to the attic: asserting our
embrace of the netherlands antithetical and
antagonistic to our sunshine virtues and
encouraging for the benefit of Mr. Kite
and Collaborative Genius, that we need a lot
more willingness to fail around here not to
mention more ambiguity tolerance, as
well as sustaining sustainable babble and
loose blather it takes to generate shared
emergent phenomenon and values: “news”
out of our “noise” (which is the source for
innovation & local food.)

As we move forward in this new and
terrain, we will need to make
choices about our institutions,
our shared
commitment to higher learning,
and our own
lives—choices that will shape
the future of our
democracy for decades
to come,
is the way Carol Geary Schneider
says IT in Liberal Education.

In this difficult season, we will need all the
collective wisdom, judgment, and courage
we can muster: to think through our long-
term situation, to evaluate evidence and
alternative scenarios, to make reasoned
choices in the face of profound uncertainty,
and ultimately, to keep centrally in view the
larger picture and the longer-term good….

The significant problems we face cannot
be solved by the same level of thinking
that created them."

We can’t solve problems by using the same
kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Logic will get you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere.

Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.

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