Monday, June 17, 2013

My Ongoing Failure

Dear Colleagues,

Stalwart pioneers toward  frontiers yet unknown  
A brand new grad wrote this morning:  “what is
mental  liberation, or is this just a  language problem?”
Too late to ask, I told him. Your work is done here..

“The policy of preparing oneself for tough choices by
arranging to do the right thing when the time comes is
one of the hallmarks of mature responsibility.” 
                     (Daniel Dennett, Free Will Evolves, pg. 123)

I like the sound of this sentence by Dennett and wish
I could recollect the nature of a policy of preparation
whereby I worked-out and worked-up routines and
moves so that when the time comes for doing the right
thing I was consciously prepared, like walking into an
exam, say, with my mind on flip-cards, full of info and
facts and data to put into play: the hall marking
of my mature response ability.

I have given some thought to DRAWING THE LINE.
You know: when there’s a big old mess of  concern going
on and someone almost inevitably  offers the insight: Yeah,
that’s all well and good but where do we
draw the line?
And I want to think well, I could step up and say: hey, I’ll
show  you; I can draw a line like anything, & even keep both
sides in play: the hall mark of my  mature response ability! 

In my dreams.  This is the nature of my failure:

I can’t successfully get my students  to split  life-of-mind
ways of talking from life-of-body ways of talking from
life-of-body-politic ways of talking so that all three ways
of talking don’t just mush together indiscriminately
confusing  the issues so bad I got to  call out the noetic
ku klux klan to ride rampant through the cerebral country
side and cut the ties of  faux incest and miscengenated
amalgamations that then  get mistakenly  acted-out in the
body politic and it’s one big  ongoing throbbing wound,
our ongoing ignorant vulnerability know what I’m saying?. 

NO?   See: right there. My ongoing failure.

The cosmic whole-istic just-connect, it’s all-one-and-related
(relatively) environmentality is an overpowering windmill,
see, and me and my donkey Coyote mostly get thrown
whenever we tilt:  THEY call up Descartes whom they have
heard has something to say about a Cartesian Split they’ve
heard bad things about and  his dreams about head and body
floating separate and they  don’t think THAT image stands for
wholeness, not to mention (they decry) that he thought  way
too much & identified with the Thinking I AM rather then the
Body I AM or even the  Political Bawdy We ARE, and so
DESCARTES becomes a shared shibboleth among these
savvy youngsters: a shield and defense against my efforts to
cut IT  into 3’s: all gall, know what I mean? 

Life of the Mind minding  Life of the Body—embodying life of
the mind, yes? Life of the  Body Politic: there’s the rub. Not
life-of-the-mind & not  life-of-the-body  either but not NOT
either either  & the language begins to show my strain,
“cracks under the burden, under the  tension, slip, slide, perish,
decay with imprecision.”  A language problem.

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