Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Ludic Frame

The Ludic Frame

Abraham's name means father of faith & father Abraham
is father of Judaism,  Christianity, and  Islam . Abba &
Abracadabra: patronizing  the  patriarchy. and patrimony,
father fathering begetting begat begot.  No ancient  mom
would  take her boy  up the mountain and cut his throat
--a living  sacrifice--because God said to.

Listen: obey.  . .

Counter intuitive. To die for. Suffers in translation.  I
don't mind making a a fool  of myself to make a fool
out of  you: Un-postponed joy. Martyr my reputation.
Sacrifice coherence. consistency & cultural integrity
 a fool for crying out loud.  Joy to the world: all the
boys and girls.  .
My Heart of Darkness: The light (lucid luciferous) which
is darkness occludes the darkness which is light and I
can't SEE for seeing. It would take something LIKE an
immaculate conception or Goedel's theorem (news from
beyond) or/and getting hooked and hauled out of the
pond for me to see that I'm not seeing--and I STILL
wouldn't be seeing but at least I might could SEE that
I'm not seeing. That would be a good thing.

It's only been recently that I've become aware of my
solipsistic narcissism--and that I don't  listen good: a
late boomer I confess. Knowing I am don't annihilate
that I am but it's still a good thing. Still solipsistic and
sealed in no doubt, but It may be impossible to be
Narcissistic if I know I am--only if I don't.

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