Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Queer Pedagogy

My Queer Pedagogy

Dear Colleagues Across the Curriculum:

My pedagogy is the queerest on campus, I bet you 5 dollars.
Got no grade-gun ex-officious authority regulating and controlling
my dubious ais, goals, and not-so-measurable outcomes.  Odd, yes?

Try it. No force. No compliance. No brown gnosis interference.
Queer? Absolutely. Walk on the wild side pedagogically so to
speak. Believe me, especially in a not-wild-side getRdone
environmentality: this is wild stuff. Wilderness.

See how strange it is: both hostile-to and complementary-with
the norm and standard operating procedures and straight protocol
of long-standing grade-gun-compliance institutional credit-bearing
 higher education.

“Queer pedagogy is indeed that,
after all, in trying to make a
difference we seem only able
to entrench essentialist boundaries
which continue both to define and
to divide us”

Mary Bryson and Suzanne de Castell..

"Queer pedagogy is the notion that we need to radicalkly
examine and redefine how we think about and
conceptualize the art of teaching, our
notions and practices of knowledge
and our formal and informal

Let your eyes play on that display of lumber and watch
the count switch from 4 to 3 to 4 to 3--oscillating. Loose
focus don't always get the job done but turns up the nature
of focus, maybe:  the play between attention efficiency &
deficiency and how they might could Just Get Along. .

Need we argue? I always beg you to differ.

xxxooo, Sam

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