Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Ludic Frame: Liberal Art I, II, III.

The Ludic Frame:

Because it is a good game: Got Rules,
a substantial part of which may be
learning them as I play— ooops, oooh,
-- superseding or  reformatting,
reconfiguring the explicit, common-
sense we all know and love:  admonishing
each other,shaking a finger, warning,
conspire to uphold. Ludic. In play.

Liberal Art  Converse Action.
“What unlike things must meet
and mate” (Melville)  The practice
of dialectic can’t even begin until
some one gets hurt. Not your sticks
& stones hurt, bells & whistles border
violations. Home land Insecurity
incursion. Handsacross the I’ll. An
enemy  as good as a Buddha and
you got to lovem or forget about it.

Liberal Art II   Not for liberals. No
liberals need apply.  Conservatives
neither—holding on, holding on to
what they got.  Beyond the Goodies
& the Weasels, the rational & the
irrational, logic & illogic, dreams &
waking life, offense & defense, common
sense, nonsense, &  no sense at all,
beyond the symbolical & the diabolical,
3 little pigs & BB Wolf …

Liberal Art III.  Is there a satan in the
house?  Accuser, adversary, joker, jester,
clown, trickster – someone to put IT in
play?   IT, I said. Do I always got to be
spelling IT out for you?  Daring  to disturb
the universe? Eat a peach?  (Wait’ll they
get a load of this!)  Thank god  for it then ,

how else get a wiggle on?  Raise the dead? 


  1. if i'd be around these parts next semester, i'd sign up for all three

  2. Stay in touch. We're all around the same campfire forever. Smores-ing
