Monday, October 27, 2014

Stochastic Process

Stochastic Process : Clanging brass & sounding gong show,
white noise & no resonance: I have failed without sufficient love,
I guess, to strike a chord, ring a chime for Indeterminacy,
Uncertainty, and the potent possibilities of all that is left out of
the equations, the conveniences, the conventions, the common
sense from C to shining C.

I am doing research: stochastic research shooting arrows randomly
and regularly, a series epistler sending out unguarded missives like
Robin Hood. They fall I know not where. Like middle eastern insurgents
or loyalist hoopla shooting bullets into the sky, listening for the sound
of a tell tale heart: ouch, ooofff, hoo-ha, struck by an angled ricochet
or direct hit falling out f the blue on some knotty noggin.

"The bullet of your thought must have over come its lateral and
ricochet motion and fallen into its last and steady course before
it reaches the ear of the hearer, else it may plough out again through
the side of his head.” (HDT)

I can not afford to measure success or failure in terms of common
sense. My “research” sends signals into space, scanning for terrestrial
intelligence. I’m sure it’s there but space is vast and my arrows tiny
and the chance of making contact is infinitesimally small but would
be zero if I quit essaying. Panning for gold. I know resource is all around

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