Thursday, August 2, 2007

Embarrassmental Studies and Leadership Programs

Embarrass Mental Studies
& Leadership Programs

“In a culture and at a given
moment, there is only one
episteme defining the
conditions of possibility
of all knowledge.”

Foucault, The Order of Things

French embarrasser,
from Spanish embarazar,
from Italian imbarazzare,
from imbarrare, “to put
behind bars,” “impede”—
to barricade, to fortify,
to contain, secure, safe &

But the myn is
as it were
clapped into
jail by his own

I am embarrassed:
my foolish heart yearns to
not get coal in my stocking
but presents & so what-a-
good-boy am I—stick in
my thumb, pull out a plumb.

Publish & Perish

In conversation with a colleague
yesterday re the Ancient Schizo-
frantic feud between notions of
Teaching on the one hand & on
the other, Research: & do the 2
just get along?

Don’t scoff.

The gap persists abysmal like fem &
masc, like head & heart, like spirit &
matter, like freedom & responsibility,
life & choice, professional & amateur;
like work-program & service-project,
publish or perish the thought, IT don’t
die what ever talk-tokens manifest &
embody our Gulf, Civil War, Double
Bind & Continental Divide: if it’s not
one thing it’s another. Divided we
stand: drawing distinctions,
discriminating crimes of
fashion—the heart of
thinking, or what’s
a college for?

Perishable Publication
& Public Opinion
(local foodback)

THIS open-access e-lectric company
right be-here-now we share with the
wide world at our finger tips lap top
dancing changes everything eventually
sooner or later: instant access, instant
repartee, instant co-rectification &
instant improvement of terms & images,
anger management, wasteful playful
banter of Mind Minding Mindfully
cultivating local foodback & the
Kingdom Within here at hand so to
speak; & once a system starts Talking
to Itself, tease & tweak, scold & scour,
joke & fib, dream & scheme together
turning its Self on & off: it becomes
Self Conscious. How else achieve
awareness? Converse-action within,
along party lines, embarrassed of course:
clapped into jail by my conscientiousness:
prerequisite to the practice of liberal art.
Could it begin otherwise than behind bars?

Womb of my own. Room to grow.

“Build thee more stately mansions,” says
Oliver W. Holmes “shut thee from heaven
with a dome more vast”

“In a culture and at a given moment,
there is only one
episteme defining the
conditions of possibility of all knowledge.”

Foucault, The Order of Things

Need we argue? xxxooo, Sam

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