Sunday, September 14, 2008

Modes of Knowing Across the Curriculum

Look: I’m not aware of any concern over the separation of

School and State, or the separation of School and Church.

Are you? Have you heard any clamor, ruckus or


How come this is not an issue? I’m just asking.

Always all church&statechurch&statechurch&state double

binding rocks & hard places, devils. deep blue sees &

Georgian nots.

School is the tie-breaker, don’t you know:

Separation of School from Church&State & a pox on both

houses while in-school-mode at least & not to be collapsed,

conflated & confused with Church & State Modes.

Question Authority. Question Everything:

what school mode is good for.

Question them Other Guys: State mode

(you think I’m being reductive?)

Question Nothing.

Gracias Thanks Giving Praise & Worship!

As Snoopdog and Alexander Pope say:


Separation of School, Church, & State & then Integrate

THAT triad for crying out loud & see if it don’t make a

difference that makes a difference.

Otherwise: depraved misogynous impure pollution and

contamination of the species, know what I’m saying.

Talking School Mode here. Not yr Church&State.

There’s a difference. Need we argue? xxxooo, Presbyter

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