Monday, March 9, 2009

Mission Impossible

In Her Magistery's Service

“Modern man likes to pretend that his
thinking is wide-awake. But this wide-
awake thinking has led us into the maze
of a nightmare in which the torture chambers
are endlessly repeated in the mirrors of

Neither Achilles nor the hare nor any one of
us ever make it to Gladfelter from Jensen
if we insist on being logical about it. Rational.

You already know the problem.

Logically, we've got to be going half-way
first and can't even get there for going
half-way to half way if we insist on
being logical. Rational.

But we conflate “rational” to “smart”
makes sense to me, & same with “logic”;
and so the reasonableness of how
impossible (rationally, logically) to
make it down to Glad offends the
conscientious & amuses the savvy
even as we embrace illogic as alma
matrix unknowingly and in-denial..

Other confusions for convenience's sake.:

“Awesome” to “gosh.”
“Terrific” to “holy smokes”.
“Coherent” to “I-like-it”
“Continuity” to “sustainability”
“Consistent” to “predictability”
“Reality” to “surreal” &

open class &
paradigm ship of tools
tempered to maintain my
velocity from point A to Point C
without getting stuck in the middles.


Handmaiden to e-motivation & my
sealed-in home land secured
Directional Navigational

Logic is inadequate to map & model
the living daylights not to mention
dark nights of the soul.

More illogic!
More illogic!.

When we emerge, perhaps we will realize
that we have been dreaming with our eyes
open, and the dreams of reason are intolerable.
And then, perhaps, we will begin to dream
once more with our eyes closed.
Octavio Paz. The Labyrinth of Solitude

Mission Impossible:
To dream once more with eyes closed

It’s why we insist on our Fine Arts & Humanities
& esp literature Gen-Ed requirement: as counter
and proper anti-thesis to logic & rationality & the
“wide-awake thinking” going on in nether & other
wise regions of campus below Glad

xxxooo, Sam

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