Sunday, July 12, 2009

Giddy with Thinking

Dear Colleagues,

I'm giddy with thinking
where thinking can't stick.
Kay Ryan

Thinking about

Frame Discourse: Where and When
and What kind of Environed Mentality
encourages thinking about thinking
about thinking?.

Putting in play

............./ ......................\
Systematic .............Non-Systematic
logical...................... constellational
sequential................ associational
linear......................... comes to mind
disciplined.................. like storks &

I think Einstein's assertion that the kind
of thinking that generates the problem
can't be the kind that solves it reminds
me of the cliche that them who ignore
history are bound to repeat it. As if I
might could pay attention to both—my
kinds of thinking and history—and not
repeat myself.

thinks me

Language, the same:
I am the medium:
chicken that sustains

Heidegger: What Is Thinking and
Aretha Franklin: THINK: think
about what you’re doing to me.

MIND minding me minding mindfully:

“Oh, this rock is hard,” thinks Sisyphus
selfishly, his common sense.

“Oh, no: it’s the relationship between
me & rock that is what-is-'hard,' '" says
Sisyphus, thinking systemically, awkwardly,
uncommon because inconvenient. .

Who can say what kinds of thinking- it-is
that generates the problems? For want
of a horse-shoe a kingdom is lost. If it
hadn’t a been for a thief in the night, I
wouldn’t be here thinking today, nor
you: thinking about my thinking,
dear reader. .

Who can say that the kind of thinking
that thought-to-think about the kind of
thinking that generated the problem
isn't the same kind of thinking that is
thinking about thinking about the
thinking in the first place and not
a new kind of thinking after all?.

Take a ride on a light beam.

A former student posted on my cave
wall today:

Einstein and Archimedes (can't say
about Anderson) are both said to have
had Asperger's Syndrome; their thinking /
colliding neurons were at a
level still not
understood by Joe Average.
They re-solved
like we solve. Tap into
how their brain worked
and there lies
the answer.

“All Cretans are liars,” said Epimenides, Cretan..
“This book sucks.” annoiunced my student
thinking of the Passion of the Western Mind.
Some kinds of thinking are up to no good says
Dick Cheney. I think therefore I spamm says

Consider this, the clue to the universe:

The heart of thinking is drawing distinctions.
The heart of academics: arguing them out.
The heart of liberal art: relating them

Deep grammar on the one hand, Surface sentences
& political correctness on the other.

Can the thinking that is out of the box be thought
about in inside-the-box terms without
perpetuating the problem?

Can uncommon sense be thought about in terms of
common sense? Talked about? Measured? Tested?
Assessed?. Evaluated? And still be uncommon?

Commentary as opposed to live action
Monday Morning Quarterback going on
as differentiated from Saturday Afternoon’s
in-game performance. Retrospect & the
Hind Sights as House Band.

The WHOLE supervenes on the parts.
The Conversation made me say it..

Collaborative Genius needs an environment
that encourages failure, doesn’t mind the
ambiguities, paradox, & contradiction
and suspects clarity: lucid scheming.

The Context is the text, textual.
Background: go figure! figure it out.
The media is the message, and massage. .

The kind of thinking that generates the problems
is the kind of thinking I do—raised in it: schooled
and Phdegreed whatever the content and course-
taking I take:. ego-conscious, purposive road-
paving Good Intentionality--attention-efficient,
short-cut-Caesarean epistemology validating
my.Because & Affect scape-goating reasons-
why that suit my agenda & govern my natural
selecting , sampling & specimen-izing to
fit my procrustean head. .

A crime against the whole and holy, for sure..
I'm guilty: my Original Spin, thinking about
thinking if not so much thinking about
thinking about thinking, down &
down I go, round and round
I go...giddy with thinking
where thinking can't

Damaged and damaging if I do.
Damaged and damaging if I don't.
Anyone can improve my terms.
We could argue: fool with it.
Thinking. Put it in play..

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