Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tettigoniidae are baaack

are back. I heard
the first ratchet
as that evening
sun went

Summer’s ending
Summer’s ending.
Katy did Katy

Earlier in the afternoon,
the long rasp of cicadae
which Greeks claimed to
be watchful eyes of dead

Friend Fear-of-Fall
wakes late every
summer to tall corn,
the buzzzzzzzzz
of abdominal timbals
resounding across the
Swannanoa and a lot
of night music.

They’re coming back.
They’re back,

Swannanoa Gathering
putting IT in play
across the

Beginner’s mind
plink and plunk:
phatic communion:
See me. Hear me.
Touch me. Feed me.

Yes, But…

Imagination is more
important than

Yes, But…

It’s not what I know but
whether I can put it in
play that counts

Yes, But…

The kinds of thinking
that makes our
problems can’t
fix them.

Yes, But…

The sustainability I
can sustain is not the
sustainability that
needs sustaining

Yes, But…

Neither logic nor
sermons convince

Yes, But…

Honesty isn’t so simple
A simple honesty is
nothing but a lie

Yes, But …

Tell the tale—but not
honestly; the words
change it.

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